7 Objectives of Cooperative Society

A cooperative society is essentially an association of persons who join together on a voluntary basis for the furtherance of their common economic interests. The main objectives of cooperative society are given below:

Objectives of cooperative society

1. Creating savings: Cooperative society creates a tendency for savings for its members. Their small savings create the capital of a cooperative society.

2. Bringing economic welfare: Cooperative society is created not only for active profit but also for bringing economic welfare to its members. For this purpose, it gives different facilities for buying and selling goods and also gives loans to members.

3. Creating unity and solidarity: The moral of a cooperative society is “Unity is strength”. So, one of the best objectives of a cooperative society is to give the light to cross the poverty line and work together.

Objectives of co-operative Society
Objectives of cooperative Society

4. Organizing: Cooperative society organizes all of its members. Some middle class and lower class people jointly form a society in order to reach some goods. According to the rules of the co-operative society.

5. Development of efficiency: It provides training opportunities to its members in the use of modern technology. Besides, it helps members grow in their own areas of operation.

6. Supply of goods at a fair price: One of the prime objectives is to provide goods or services at fair prices to their members.

7. Defense against disturbance When small producers produce the product they face some problems. To protect themselves from problems and to conduct the business smoothly they form a cooperative society.

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