In a common word meaning of human resource, an audit is a process of systematic examination of activities of employees. It is a control process through which (Strategic Human Resource) SHR manager comes to know whether all HR (Human Resource) activities are going on as per desire or not. With the help of this process, employee activities are monitored after a certain period of time.
Meaning of human resource audit
By proper implementation of the human resource audit program, it is known whether employees are attending the office and factory in time, whether jobs are being analyzed properly, whether employee promotions are being given time, and whether necessary steps have been taken to develop the career of employees and so on.

At the end of the audit scheme SHR (Strategic Human Resource), the manager gets feedback from all levels about the nature of the performance of employees. If the performance is done properly SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management) continues the plan. Otherwise, it takes either corrective action or preventive action.
The word “audit” appears from the Latin verb audire, which indicates, to listen. Listening implies an effort to know the state of affairs as they survive and as they are expected/ encouraged to exist.
Auditing as a formal process is motived in this feature of listening. Consequently, it is an essential tool to gauge not only the current status of things but also the gaps in the current situation and the desired status in the division that is occurring audited.
Auditing has been a regular exercise in the area of economics, especially because it is a constitutional obligation.
However, in the case of human resources, there is no legal binding to use auditing. Some of the companies nonetheless prefer to have Human Support audits.
Like any audit, the Human Support Audit is also a systematic formal method, which is designed to examine the plans, policies, procedures, documentation, structure, policies, and practices of the organization’s human resource administration. It systematically and scientifically values the strengths, controls, and developmental needs of the existing human resources from the broader point of view of enhancing organizational performance.
The human resource audit is founded on the premise that human resource processes are efficient and must frequently be redirected and revitalized to remain sensitive to ever-changing needs.
Human Resource Audits are not conventional practices aimed at problem-solving. Alternatively, of directly solving problems, HR records, like financial audits, help in providing insights into possible causes of current and future difficulties.
At the end of the audit scheme SHR (Strategic Human Resource), the manager gets feedback from all levels about the nature of the performance of employees. If the performance is done properly SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management) continues the plan. Otherwise, it takes either corrective action or preventive action.
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