Sympathy cards for this occasion range from the “get-well” variety to condolences for more serious ailments. Make sure you don’t assume too much or too little about the nature of the illness. Find out from friends or family members what specific illness the person is suffering and offer your best wishes. A sample sympathy letter for illness is mentioned below:
Sympathy letter for illness
April 6, 2022
Dear Maureen, I’ve just learned from Dinah about your diagnosis. It must be hard to adjust to the news right now. When you are feeling up to it, I’d like to get together with you to see what I can do to help. I don’t know very much about multiple sclerosis, but I do know that you are a fighter and have the ability to deal with difficult situations. I’ll get in touch with you next week to see how you are doing and when we might get together. Love Tallulah |

Some other sympathy letter sample