Thank-you notes for the hospitality extended to you are known as “bread-and-butter” letters. Even though you thanked your host and hostess before you left, courtesy requires that you follow up with a cordial note of thanks two or three days after returning home.
Such letters give you a chance to add to your thanks or to mention anything you forgot to say as you were leaving. Let’s see a sample thank you letter for hospitality.
Thank you letter for hospitality
April 11, 2022
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Yolander, Larry and I really appreciated your putting us up for the night on such short notice. The rest made a big difference on our final day of driving through the mountains. We enjoyed talking with you – Wendy has told us to do much about you that we felt we had been introduced a long time ago. If you’re even in Denver, please know that you have a place to stay in our house. Thank you again for your warm hospitality. Sincerely, Evelyn and Larry |

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