Acronyms and abbreviation are frequently used in business and technical writings. Abbreviations are for of worked sand phrases that are shorter than the full form (e.g. Dr. is an abbreviated form of Doctor), while acronyms are words that are formed from the first letters of a group of words (e.g. WTO is an acronym for World trade Organization). Here we provide list of all commercial abbreviation.
Both abbreviations and acronyms are used in business writings because they have many advantages such as they occupy less space, save time, offer greater speed, etc. However, there is no set rule as to the use of letters-capital or small and a period after the letter.
The general rule is capitalizing the abbreviated letters when they are used for the terms which are capitalized and put period if you think that the abbreviation will otherwise create confusion. The abbreviation is the short form of a word.
Usually, it takes the first letter of the word and creates a particular word that is commonly known as an abbreviation. Here we provide a large collection of abbreviation for commercial below:
Table of Contents
Commercial Abbreviation (A)
A | (in the year) |
Abbr | Abbreviation |
A/C | Account Current |
Acct. | Accountant |
Actg. | Accounting |
A.C.A | Associate of Chartered Accountant |
ACBSP | Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs |
ACMA | Associate of Cost and Management Accountants |
A.C.R. | Annual Confidential Report |
A.D | Anno Domini (in the year of our lord) |
A/d | After date; and time (before the day) |
Ad. | Advertisement |
ADAB | Association of Development Agents in Bangladesh |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
Ad.Val.A/V | Ad Valorem (in proportion to the value) |
Ad. Advt. | Advertisement |
Admn. | Administration |
AIDS | Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome |
AFP | Agency France Press |
AFTA | Asian Free Trade Agreement |
A/G. | Accountant General |
Agt. | Agent. |
A-level. | Advanced level (examination). |
Amt. | Amount |
A.M. | Ante meridiem (before noon) |
AMDISA | Association of Management development institutions of South Asia |
AMDIB | Association of Management development Institutions of Bangladesh |
App. | Appendix |
Approx | Approximate, approximately |
Ap. | Associate Press |
APA | Associate Press of America. |
APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation |
API | Associate press of India |
APP | Associated Press of Pakistan |
A/S | Account Sale |
ASP | Active Server page (Server Side Scripting language in Computer) |
ASEAN | Association of South-East Asian Nations |
ATN | Asian Television Network |
Av. | Average |
@ | At the rate of |
A/c | Account |
A/c | Account Current |
Acc. | Acceptance, Accepted |
Acct. | Accountant |
A.C.A | Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountant |
A/d | After date |
A/D | Acknowledgement Due |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
A.G | Accountant General |
AGB | Accountant General of Bangladesh |
Amt. | Amount |
A/o | Account of |
A.O | Accounts Office or Administrative Officer |
AP | Associate Press |
Appros | Approximate |
A/S | Account Sales |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
Av. | Average |
A.R | All Risks |
A.V. or A/v | According to Value |
Commercial Abbreviation (B)
BADC | Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation. |
BANBEIS | Bangladesh Bureau of Educational information & Statistics. |
BARI | Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute. |
BARC | Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council. |
BARD | Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development. |
BASIC | Bank of Small Industry and Commerce, Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic instruction Code (Computer Language) |
B.B.A | Bachelor of Business Administration. |
B.B.C | British Broadcasting Corporation. |
B.C | Before Christ. |
BCB | Bangladesh Chemical industries Corporation. |
BCS | Bangladesh Civil Service. |
BCSIR | Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. |
Bal. | Balance |
B.D. | Bank Draft. |
B/d | Brought down (in account books). |
BDR | Bangladesh Rifle. |
B.E. | Bill of Exchange; Bachelor of Engineering. |
D.Ed. | Bachelor of Education. |
BFUJ | Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists. |
B/F | Brought forward (in account books). |
BGP | Bangladesh Government Press. |
BIBAIS | Bangladesh Institute of Business Administration and Information System. |
BIDS | Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. |
BIBM | Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management. |
BIIS | Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies. |
BIM | Bangladesh Institute of Management. |
BIMSEC | Bangladesh India, Myanmar, Srilanka and Thailand Economic Cooperation. |
BIRDEM | Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetic Endocrine and Metabolic disorder. |
BIWTA | Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority. |
BJMC | Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation. |
BL. | Bill of Leading. |
bldg. | building. |
BMRE | Balancing, Modernization, Replacement and Extension/Expansion. |
BOI | Board of Investment. |
BP | Bills Payable. |
BR. | Bills Receivable. |
BRAC | Bangladesh Rural Advancement committee. |
BRTA | Bangladesh Road Transport Authority. |
BS. | Balance Sheet. |
BSS | Bangladesh Sangbud Sangstha. |
BRTC | Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation. |
BSC | Bangladesh shipping Corporation. |
BSCIC | Bangladesh small and Cottage industries Corporation. |
BSFIC | Bangladesh Sugar & Food Industries Corporation. |
BSRS | Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangsthe. |
BSTI | Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution. |
BUET | Bangladesh University of engineering and Technology. |
Bull | Bulletin. |
BTMC | Bangladesh textile Mills Corporation. |
BTTB | Bangladesh Telegraph and telephone Board. |
BTV | Bangladesh Television |
BHBFC | Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation. |
B.A. | Bachelor of Arts |
B.Com. | Bachelor of Commerce |
B.Sc. | Bachelor of Science |
B.A.D.C | Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation |
B.A.F. | Bangladesh Air Force |
B.A.R.D | Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development |
Bal. | Balance |
B.A.RI. | Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute |
B.B. | Bangladesh Biman |
B.B. | Bangladesh Bank |
B.B.C | British Broadcasting Corporation |
B.B.R. | Bureau of Business Research |
B.C. | Before Christ |
B.C.C.I. | Bank of Credit and commerce International |
BCIC | Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation |
BCMS | Bangladesh Co-operative Marketing Society |
b/d | Brought down |
B.D.R | Bangladesh Rifles |
B.E. | Bill of Exchange |
b/f | Brought forward |
B.F.A. | Bangladesh Football association |
B.F.C.C.I | Bangladesh Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industries |
B.F.D.C. | Bangladesh Forest Development Corporation |
B.H.B.F.C | Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation |
B.I.A | Bangladesh Insurance Academy |
B.I.B. | Bangladesh Institute of Bankers |
B.I.B.M | Bangladesh Institute of Bankers |
B.I.C.A | Bangladesh Institute of Chartered Accountants |
B.I.S. | Bank of International Settlement |
B.I.W.T.A | Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority |
B.J.M.A | Bangladesh Jute Marketing Association |
B.J.M.C | Bangladesh Jute Millis Corporation |
B.J.R.I | Bangladesh Jute Research Institute |
B.K.B. | Bangladesh Krishi Bank |
B.L. | Bill of Lading |
B.N. | Bank Note |
B.P. | Bills Payable |
P.P.C | Bangladesh Paragon corporation |
B.P.D.B. | Bangladesh Power Development Board |
B.R. | Bills Receivable |
B.S | Balance Sheet |
B.S.B. | Bangladesh Shilpa Bank |
B.S.C.I.C. | Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation |
B.S.E.C | Bangladesh Steel & Engineering Corporation |
B.S.L | Bangladesh Standard Institute |
B.S.F.I.C | Bangladesh Sugar & Food Industries Food Industries Corporation |
B.T.M.C | Bangladesh Textile Mills corporation |
B.T.T.B. | Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board |
B.W.D.B | Bangladesh Water Development Board |
Bros. | Brothers |
Bx. | Box |
Commercial Abbreviation (C)
- C: Centigrade.
- CA: Chartered Accountant, Commercial Agent.
- Cal: Calories.
- C/A: Current Account. Commercial Agent.
- CAAB: Civil aviation authority of Bangladesh.
- CAB: Consumer Association of Bangladesh
- CARE: Cooperation for American Relief Everywhere.
- CB: Cash Book
- CAT: Computer Adaptice Test.
- CBA: Collective Bargaining Agent.
- C/d: Carried down.
- CD-ROM: Compact Disk-Read Only Memory. (A collection of Information stored on a high capacity disk that is accessible by a microcomputer with a CD drive.)
- C.,cet, Cent: Centurm (a hundred).
- C/c: Carbon copy, Computer Copy, Curtesy copy.
- cc: cubic centimeter.
- CIA: Central Intelligence Agency (of USA).
- C/f: Carried forward.
- C.I.F&C: Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission.
- C.f.&I: Cost, freight, and insurance.
- Cg.: Centigram.
- CEC: Chief Election Commissioner.
- Cf: confer (compare from.)
- Ch: Chapter
- CID: Criminal investigation Department
- CIDA: Canadian International Development Agency.
- CIRDAP: Center for integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific.
- cm.: centimetre.
- CNG: Compressed Natural Gas.
- Co.: Company.
- C/o: Care of
- C.o.d: Cash on delivery.
- COBOL: Common Business Oriented Language (computer language)
- Col: Column.
- CPU: Central Procession Unit.
- Cr.P.C: Criminal Procedure Code.
- Cr.: Credit, Creditor (in account books).
- CNN: Cable new network.
- CTBT: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
- C.wt: Centum weight (Hundred weight)
- C.A.: Chartered Accountant
- C/A.: Capital Account
- C.A: Credit account
- C.A: Current Account
- C.A: Credit Account
- C.B: Cash Book
- C.C: Cash Credit
- C.c.: Carbon copy
- C/d: Carried down
- C/f: Carried forward
- C & F.: Cost and Freight
- C.I.F.: Cost, Insurance & Freight
- C.I.F & I.: Cost, Insurance, Freight and Interest
- C.I.F & C.: Cost. Insurance , Freight and Commission
- Co.: Company
- COD: Cash on Delivery
- Cr.: Creditor, Credit
- CWO: Cash with Order
Abbreviation for Commercial (D)

- d. : dele (to delete word).
- D.A : Daily Allowance, Dearness allowance.
- D/D : Demand Draft.
- Ded. : Debenture.
- D.C : Deputy Commissioner.
- DCC : Dhaka city Corporation.
- DDT : Dichloro-dephenyl-triehloroethane (an insecticide).
- DIG : Deputy inspector General (of Police).
- Deptt. : Department.
- DESCO : Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd.
- Dis : Discount.
- D.O. : Delivery Order. Demi-official
- D.Lit :Doctor Litteratum or literature.
- DO : Ditto (the same).
- D/P : Documents against payment.
- Dr. : Debtor General.
- D.G. : Director General.
- d.s.p : decessit sine prole (died without issue).
- D.S.P : Deputy Superintendent of Police.
- Doz : Dozen.
- D.V. : Deo Volente (if God Wills).
- D.v.p. : Decessit vita patris (died in his father’s life time).
- D/A = Documents against acceptance
- D/a = Document attached
- D/B. = Day book
- D/D = Demand Draft
- Deb. = Debenture
- D.F. = Draft for Approval
- Dept. = Department
- D.G. = Director General
- D.I.T. = Dhaka improvement Trust
- D.O. = Delivery Order
- Div. = Divident
- D.W. = Dock Warrant
Commercial Abbreviation (E)
- : electronic commerce
- Ecg : Electrocardiogram.
- ECNEC : Executive Committee of National Economic Council.
- ed. : edition.
- ed.cit : edition cited.
- Edn. : Education.
- EEC. : European Economic Community.
- EFTA : European Free Trade Association Area.
- e.g. : exampli gratia (for example).
- e.mail : electronic mail.
- ENA : Eastern News agency
- Enc. : Enclosure.
- Ency. : Encyclopedia (a book giving
- Encyc : information on every subject)
- E&O.E. : Errors and Omissions excepted:
- Esq. : Esquire (courtesy title meaning Mr.)
- Estt. : Establishment.
- Et al. : et alii (and others).
- Etc. : et cetera of et ceteri (and so forth).
- Et seq : et sequences.
- EPB. : Export Promotion Bureau.
- EPZ. : Exprot processing Zone.
- ESCAP. : Economic and Social commission for Asia and the Pacific.
- ETS. : Education Testing Service.
- Ex. : example, examined. Executive, exprt, exclusive.
- Exc. : except, excellent.
- Ex.Div. : Exclusive Dividend.
- Exch. : Exchange.
- E.C.A.F.E = Economic Commission for Asia and Far East
- E.C.M. = European Common Market
- E.E.C. = European Economic Community
- E.F.T.A. = European Free Trade Association
- e.g. = For example
- E.I.R. = Earned Income Relief
- E.O. = (Ex. Office) Officially
- E & O.E = Errors and Omissions Excepted.
- Enc. = Enclosure
- E.P.Z. = Export procession Zone
- Ex. = Exchange
- Ex. Div. = Exclusive of Dividend
Commercial Abbreviation (F)
- F.a.a : Free of all average.
- FAO. : Food & Agricultural Organization
- F.a.s. : Free alongside ship.
- FBCCI. : Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of commerce and industry.
- FCMA : Fellow of Cost and Management Accountants.
- F.C.P.S : Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
- FDC. : Film development Corporation.
- FEMA : Fair Election Monitoring Alliance.
- ff.fol. : folios, and the following ones.
- FIFA. : Federation fo international Football Association.
- FIFO : First in First out (in Accounting).
- Fig.(s) : Figure (s)
- fl, oz. : Fluid onza (ounce).
- fn. : foot note.
- F.N.B : Federation of NGO’s in Bangladesh.
- F.o.b : free on board.
- f.o.r : free on rail.
- FRCP : Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.
- FRCS : Fellow of the Royal College os Surgeons.
- frt. : freight.
- ft. : foot.
- Fwd. : Forward
- F.A.A. = Free of all Average
- Fac. = Facsimile
- F.A.O. = Food and Agricultural Organization
- F.A.Q. = Fair Average Quality
- F.A.S. = Free Alongside ship
- F.C.A. = Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
- F.C.I.I. = Fellow of Chartered Insurance Institute
- F.D. = Free Dock
- F.D.R = Fixed Deposit Receipt
- F.I.B. = Fellow of the Institute of Bankers
- F.I.R.A. = Fellow of the Institute of Registered Accountant
- F.O.B. = Free on Board
- F.O.C = Free of Charge
- F.O.T = Free of Tax
- Fit. = Freight
- Ft. = Foot
- F.O.R = Free on Rail
- Fwd. = Forward
Commercial Abbreviation (G)
- G. : Gram
- G.a. : General average
- GATS : Global Agreement on Trade and Service
- GATT : General agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
- GDP : Gross Domestic product.
- CPO. : General Post Office.
- GMT. : Greenwich Mean Time.
- GKB : Ganges Kobadak Project.
- GMAT. : Graduate Management Admission Test.
- GNP. : Gross National Product.
- GP. : General practioner (Medical Doctor), Government Pleader.
- Govt. : Government.
- GRE. : Graduate Record Examination.
- gr.wt. : gross weight.
- Gym. : gymnasium.
- G/a = General Average
- Gall. = Gallon
- GATT. = General Agreement on Trade and Tariff
- G.K.P = Ganges Kobadak Project
- G.M.T. = Greenwich Mean Time
- G.N.P. = Gross National Product
- G.P. = Gross Profit
- Gr. Wt. = Gross Weight
Commercial Abbreviation (H)
- HANA : Humanitarian Assistant Needs Assesment.
- hf. : half
- hi-fi : high fidelity
- hr. : hour
- Hons : Honours.
- HSBC : Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
- H.O. : Head Office
- H.Q. : Head Quarter.
- HTML : Hypertext Markup Language (Computer Language for developing site).
- HTTP : hypertext transfer protocol.
- Hwy. : Highway.
- HYV : High Yielding Varieties.
- Hz. : Hartz.
- H.O. = Head Office
- H.P. = Horse Power
- Hr. = Hour
- H.Q. = Head Quarter
Commercial Abbreviation (I)
- Id..,ibid : ibidem (in the same place).
- I.B.A : Institute of Business Administration.
- IBAIS : Institute of Business Administration & information System.
- IBS. : Institute of Bangladesh Studies.
- i/c. : in charge of.
- ICAB : institute of Chartered accountants of Bangladesh.
- ICC. : International Cricket Committee.
- ICMAB : Institute of cost & Management Accountants of Bangladesh.
- ICSMB : Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Managers of Bangladesh.
- id. : idem (the same).
- IDA. : international Development Association.
- IDBB : Industrial Development Bank of Bangladesh.
- IDLCB. : Industrial Development leasing Company of Bangladesh.
- i.e. : id est (that is).
- IELTS : International English Language test System.
- IFAD : International fund for Agricultural Development.
- IFC. : International Finance Corporation.
- i.h.p. : indicated horse power.
- I.G. : Inspect General (of police. Etc.).
- Ill. : illustrated, illustration.
- I.L.O : International Labor Organization.
- IMF. : International Monetary Fund.
- in. : inch.
- inc. : incorporated.
- inde. : indefinite.
- incl. : including.
- Init. : initio (in the beginning)
- Inst. : institution, instant.
- Int. : interest.
- Inv. : Invoice.
- I.O.U. : O owe you.
- IP : Internet Protocol.
- IPA. : International Phonetic Alphabet.
- IPDCB : Industrial Promotion and Development Company of Bangladesh.
- IRRI : International Rice Research Institute.
- IEDP : Integrated Rural Development programme.
- IQ. : Intelligence Quotient.
- i.q. : idem quod (the same as).
- IS : Island.
- ISBN : International Standard book Number.
- ISD : International subscriber Dialing.
- ISESCO : Islamic Educational Scientific Cultural Organization.
- ISSB : Inter-Service Selection Board.
- ISI : Inter Services Intelligence (Pakistan).
- ISSN : International Standard Serial Number.
- Ital : italic, italicized
- I.T.O. : Income tax Officer, international Telecommunication organization.
- I.B. = Invoice of Business Administration
- I.B.R.D. = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- I.C.M.A. = Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
- I.C.B. = Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
- I.C.T.V.T.R. = Islamic Centre for Technical and Vocational Training and research
- id (Idem) = The same person
- i.e. (id est) = That is
- Inc = Incorporation
- Intra = Below
- Inter alia = Amongst other things
- I.D.A. = International Development Association
- I.D.B. = Islamic Development Bank
- I.J.A. = Indian Jute Association
- I.J.C. = International Jute Council
- I.L.O. = International Labor Organization
- I.M.F. = International Monetary Fund
- I.O.U. = I owe you
- I.R.D.P. = Integrated rural Development Programme
- I.R.R.I. = International Rice Research Institute
Commercial Abbreviation (J)
- J/A : Joint Account.
- JMBA : Jamuan Multipurpose Bridge Authority.
- Jn. : June. Junction.
- Jr. : Junior
- J.A. = Joint Account
- Jr. = Junior
- J.T.C. = Jute Trading Corporation
Abbreviation for Commercial (K)
- Kc. : Kilocycle.
- Kilo;kg : Kilogramme
- Kg. : Kindergarten (school).
- Km. : Kilometre.
- Kw. : Kilowatt.
- Kwhr., kwh. : Kilowatt-hour.
- Kg. = Kilogram
- K.P.M. = Karnafuli Paper Mills
Commercial Abbreviation (L)
- L. : Lake; left; 50 (Roman Numeral).
- LAFTA : Latin American Free Trade Association.
- LAN : Local Area Network (in computer).
- lat. : latitude.
- Ib., : libra (pound weight).
- L.b.w : Leg befor wicket (in cricket).
- L.C : Letter of Credit.
- L.c. : Lower case (in printing).
- LDC. : Lest developed Counters.
- LLB : Legislative Legume Baccalaurean (Bachelor of Laws)
- LOFO : Last in First Out (in accounting)
- Loc. Cit : Loco citato (in the place cited, where new reference is made of the same pagination as cited in the previous note.)
- L.PC. : Last pay Certificate.
- LPR. : Leave preparatory to Retirment.
- L.S.D : Libra, Solidi, Deuarii (pound, shillings, pence).
- Lph. : Lines per hour (in typing).
- Ltd. : Limited.
- L. = Pound Sterling
- L/A. = Letter of Authority
- L/C = Letter of credit
- L.D.C. = Letter developed Countries
- L.I.P. = Life Insurance policy
- Lb.(Lebra) = Pound (Weight)
- Ltd. = Limited
- L.P.C. = Last Pay certificate
- L.S.D. = (Lebra Solidi Danarri) Pound, shilling and Pence
- L.S.E. = London School of Economics
Commercial Abbreviation (M)
- M. : Thousand (Roman numeral).
- M.A : Master of Arts, Memorandum of association.
- Max. : Maximum.
- MBBS. : Medicine Bachelor. (Bachelor of Medicine) and bachelor of Surgery.
- MBA : Master of Business Administration.
- M.C.C : Marylebone Cricket Club.
- M.D. : Medicine Doctor (Doctor of Medicine) Managing Director.
- Mdme. : Madame.
- Memo/mem. : Memorandum.
- Messrs. : Messieurs, (Sirs, Gentlemen used as plural of Mr.)
- Mike. : Microphone.
- Min. : minute.
- Mise. : Miscellaneous.
- MIST. : Military institute of Science and Technology (Bangladesh).
- mn. : millimeters.
- Ms.Mss : Manuscript, Manuscripts.
- Mgr. : Manager.
- Mkt. : market.
- M.O. : Money Order.
- Mp. : Member of Parliament.
- Mr. : Mister.
- Mrs. : Mistress.
- MTV : Music Television.
- MV. : Motor Vessel.
- Mw. : Medium Wave.
- M/A = Memorandum of Association
- Max = Maximum
Commercial Abbreviation (N)
- N/a. : Non-acceptance.
- NAFTA : North American free Trade Agreement.
- NAM. : Non-Aligned Movement.
- NASA. : National Aeronautic and Space Administration. (in USA)
- NCTB. : National Curriculum and Textbook Board.
- N.B. : Nota Bene (Take note).
- n.b. : No ball (in cricket)
- N.B.R. : National board of Revenue.
- N.C.B. : National Credit and commerce Bank.
- n.d. : no date.
- Nem. Com. : nemine contradicenente (with no one disagreeing).
- n.n. : No name.
- No. : Numero (number).
- NEC. : National Economic Council.
- NGO. : Non-Government Organization.
- NIEM : National Institute of Education management.
- NIPA. : National Institute of Public Administration.
- N.P. :Notary Public.
- n.p. : no place.
- NSI. : National Security Intelligence (of Bangladesh).
- Nt.wt. : net weight.
- NWD : Nation Wide Dialing.
Commercial Abbreviation (O)
- O/A. : Old Account.
- Ob. : Obit (died).
- Obs. : Obsolete.
- O/C. : Over Charge Office Commanding.
- OCAB : Overseas Correspondents Association in Bangladesh.
- O/D. : Over Draft.
- O/d. : On demand.
- O.K. : Orl Krekt (slang term meaning all correct)
- O-level. : Ordinary level (examination).
- OMR : Optical Marks Reading
- Op.cit. : Opera Citato (in the work cited).
- OPEC . : Organization of Petroleum exporting Countries.
- O.S.P : Obiit sense prole (died without issue).
- IXf. : Oxford.
- Oz. : Onza (Ounce).
Commercial Abbreviation (P)
- P,.pp. : Page, pages.
- P.a. : Per annum.
- PABX : Private Automatic Branch Exchange (telephone).
- PBX. : Private Branch Exchange (telephone).
- Pat. : Patent.
- Payt. : Payment.
- PB. : Pass Book
- P.c. : Per centum (by the hundred)
- Pd. : Paid.
- Perpro. : Per procurationaem (signing as or representative of another).
- p.p.
- PERT. : Program evaluation and Review Technique.
- Pfd. : Preferred.
- Ph.D. : Philosophiae Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy).
- PIB : Press Institute of Bangladesh.
- P.M. : Prime Minister, Post meridiem (afternoon), post mortem. (examination of the dead body in order to ascertain the cause of death).
- PEN : Poest, Essayists, Novelists (International association of Writers).
- POWER : Planning, Organizing, Writing. Evaluation, Revising.
- PRO : Public Relations Officer.
- Pro tem. : pro tempore (for the time being).
- PMG. : Post Mater General.
- Prof. : Professor.
- Prox. : proximo (nedt).
- P.T.O. : Please Turn Over.
- P.S. : Post Scriptum (postscript).
- PTI. : Press trust of India.
- PWD. : Public Works Department.
Commercial Abbreviation (Q)
- q.e. : quod est (which is).
- q.e.d. : quod erat demonstrandum (which had to be proved)
- q.e.f. : quod erat demonstrandum (which had to be done).
- Qr. : quarter.
- Qt. : quantify.
- Quot. : quotation.
- Qv. : quod vide (which see), quantum vis (as much as you will see).
Commercial Abbreviation (R)
- RAKUB : Rajshahi Krishi Unnyan Bank.
- RAM. :Random Access Memory (internal memory in the computer accessible to the user).
- RAW. : Research and Analytical Wing (of India).
- RADAR. : Radio Detection and Ranging.
- Rd. : road.
- Rece. : received.
- Retd. : retired.
- Ref. : referee, reference, referred.
- Regd. : registered.
- r.h : right hand.
- Res. : Residence
- ROM. : Read Only memory (section of memory placed in the computer).
- RP : Railway Police.
- R.R. : railway Receipt.
- Rpm : revolutions per minute.
- Rm. : ream (500 sheets of paper), room.
- R.S.V.P. : Respondex slil vous plait (reply if you please)
- Ry. : Railway.
- Rte : route.
Commercial Abbreviation (S)
- SALT. : Strategic Arms Limitation talks for Treaty.
- SAFMA. : South Asian Free Media Association.
- SAFTA. : South Asian Free Trade Area.
- SAPTA. : South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement.
- SAARC : South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
- SAT : Scholastic Assessment Test.
- SBC : Sadharan Bima Corporation.
- s.c. : small capitals (in printing).
- s.d. : sine die (for an indefinite period).
- Sec. : Secretary. Section. Second.
- SD.BL : Side Draft. Bill f Lading attached.
- SIDA. : Swedish international Development Agency.
- Sd. : Singed.
- SOFA : Status of Forces Agreement.
- SNOBOL : String oriented Symbolic Language (Computer language)
- S.P. : Superintendent of Police. Supra protest.
- Sq. : Square.
- SQL. : Structure Query Language (in Computer)
- Sr. : Senior, Sir.
- S.S : Steam Ship.
- SSB : Superior selection Board (of Bangladesh).
- St. : Street.
- Sub. : Subject, Submarines.
- Supdt. : superintendent.
- STD. : Subscriber Trunk Dialing.
- SW. : Short Wave.
Commercial Abbreviation (T)
- T. : Tare. Ton.
- T.A : Tuberculosis, Torpede Boat, Trial Balance.
- TCB. : Trading Corporation of Bangladesh.
- TCP : Transmission Control Protocol.
- Tel. : Telephone
- Telex. : Teleprinter exchange.
- Termp : Temperature.
- TIB : Transparency International Bangladesh.
- T.M.O. : Telegraphic Money Order.
- TOEFL : Test of English as a Foreign Language.
- Tr. : Transpose.
- TSC. : Teacher Student Center.
- T.T. :Telegraphic Transfer.
- T.T.C. : Travelling Ticket Checker.
- T.T.E : Traveling (or Train) Ticket Examiner.
- T.V. : Television.
Commercial Abbreviation (U)
- ULFA : United Liberation Front of Asam.
- ULt. : Ultimo (last month).l
- Uk. : United Kingdom
- Univ. : University.
- UN. : United Nations.
- UNB. : United News of Bangladesh.
- UNDP. : United Nations economic Development Programme.
- UNEP : United Nations Environment Programme
- UNESCO : United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural scientific and Cultural Organization.
- UNICEF : United Nations international children’s emergency Fund.
- UNCTAD. : United Nations Conference on Trade and development.
- UNIDO : United Nationa international Development Organization.
- UNO. : United Nations Organization.
- u.s : ut supra (as above)
- U.S : United States.
- U.S.A : United States of America.
- UNSC. : United Nations Security Council.
- USB : United Serial Bus (serial protocol and physical connection for data transfer in computer).
Commercial Abbreviation (V)
- V. : Vide (see).
- VAT. : Value Added Tax.
- VHF. : Very High Frequency.
- Varsity. : University.
- V.C : Vice Chancellor.
- VCR. : Video Cassette Recorder.
- VIP : Very important person.
- Viz. : Videlicet (namely)
- VOA. : Voice of America.
- VOI : Voice of Islam (TV. Channel)
- Vol. : Volume.
- V.P : Vice President.
- V.P.P. : Value Payable post.
- Vs. : Versus (against).
- VAST. : Very Small Aperture Terminal.
- V.V : Viva Voce.
- v.v : vice versa.
Commercial Abbreviation (W)
- WAN : Wide Area Network (in Computer)
- WAPDA. : Water and Power Development Authority.
- WASA : Water supply and Swerage Authority.
- WB. : World Bank, Way Bill.
- Whf. : Whart.
- W.f. : Wrong Fount (in printing)
- Whsle. : Wholesale.
- WHO. : World Health Organization.
- Wp. : Word processing.
- WPM. : Word Per Minute.
- Wt. : Weight.
- WTO. : World trade Organization.
- WWW. : World Wide Web (collection of hypertext pages that offer information and links).
Commercial Abbreviation (X)
- X.Div. : Excluding Dividend.
- X.In. : Excluding Interest.
- XML : Extensible Markup Language (Language for world wide web)
Abbreviation (Y)
- Yd. : Yard
- Yr. : Year
Abbreviation (Z)
- ZIA. : Zia International Airport.
- ZIP : Zonal Improvement Plan.
Military Abbreviations
- ADM : Admiral
- CAPT : Captain
- CDR : Commander
- COMO : Commodore
- ENS : Ensign
- FADM : Fleet amiral
- LCDR : Lieutenant Commander.
- LT : Lieutenant
- LTJG : Lieutenant (junior grade)
- LTJG :Lieutenant (Junior grade)
- MIDN : Midshipman.
- RADM : Rear Admiral
- VADM : Vice Admiral
A list of common used symbols
Here you will find some commonly used symbols that are used in business communication.
- Symbols Meaning
- @ at, at the rate of
- & (ampers and) and
- * asterisk
- & C etc.
- % percent
- © copyright
- 0/00 Thousand
- ¢ cents (s);
- ® registered
- Cedi(S) trade mark
- 0 degree
- $ Dollar/s
- £ pound(s)
- ” ditto
- ¥ Yen
- # number
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Huge list, I think its enough for commercial abbreviations.