Collective bargaining must be treated as a form of finding the best solution to a given problem. This calls for a give-and-take attitude from both sides so that both sides gain. The collective bargaining policy is given below:
Collective Bargaining policy
1. The parties must have equal power. As with any situation involving the interests of two parties, inequality in the strengths of such parties can lead to ruthless hegemony, constant conflict, and at best a benevolent generosity that the weaker party recognizes can easily be taken away.
2. There must be mutual trust and confidence. An absence, or perceived absence, of goodwill, can lead to acrimony and conflict that make it near impossible to negotiate and maintain mutually satisfying and product agreements.
3. Both negotiating teams should have leadership qualities, negotiations, it is essential that the parties know that the commitment being proposed by each negotiating team have a high probability of acceptance by the parties that the negotiators represent. Their leadership effectiveness in convincing the members is critical.
4. The agreement reached must be in conformity with the law of the land. Obviously, the obvious and accepted legality of the agreement is a fundamental requirement. The agreement is a legal document, binding on both parties.

Management, as a party to the agreement, can contribute to lasting harmony by observing a number of practices:
1. Follow a realistic labor policy that is uniform and consistent across all sections and divisions.
2. Consider the union as a partner, not an adversary.
3. Monitor rules and regulations continuously and bring about changes if such changes improve morale and motivation. Do not take things for granted.
4. While being careful not to contravene the terms of the agreement, be proactive, and address the needs of the workers before it becomes a union-management issue.
5. Consistently recognize the rights and authority of the bargaining unit, i.e, of the union that represents that group of workers.
6. Give adequate attention to social issues while addressing economic issues.
Equally, the unions have a role to play:
1. Appreciate the financial constraints of an organization when presenting demands. Ultimately, the survival of the organization is more important than gaining all the demands of the employees.
2. Realize that rights have corresponding duties and not pursue workers’ rights alone but discharge duties so that the organization benefits.
3. Avoid threats and unfair trade practices to coerce management into granting union demands.
4. Be democratic and act with total integrity.
5. Use the strike weapon only as a last resort.
So, it is apparent that there is much more to achieving and maintaining strong, productive, and effective union-management relations than simply meeting the minimal legal requirements of collective bargaining.
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