A sample letter for parents when they are away from home is given below. Parents like to hear some details about their children’s lives without necessarily having to know everything. Share what you feel is appropriate, given your situation, and let them know every now and then what you appreciate or miss about them.
Sample letter for parents
March 11, 2022
Dear Dad. You must be really happy now that the golf course down the road is finished. The guys at work can’t believe you have a course within walking distance. They want to know how they can get into Mueller Retirement Community early. I know you had some real misgivings about giving up the house after Mom died and moving into the community. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever seen you make, and I hope, when my time comes to do it, I’ll be able to manage as well. One of the things I’ve always admired about you is your ability to adjust to changes. In some ways, I wish I could take early retirement and join you on the golf course. But until the last of the kids is through college, we can’t even begin to think of it. Speaking of the kids, all three are planning to invade the community at spring break to see you. You might warn the neighbors about it and find out if the local grocery store delivers. They’re at the age when they eat anything that stands still. You won’t believe how Kirsten has grown. She’s nearly six feet now and loves playing on the basketball team at U of C. She’s a real jock. Leo is more interested in filming events-his dream is to be a television biggie, as he says. And as for Peggy, she just wants to raise quarterhorses someday. Trish and I are fine-getting a little slower and a little more forgetful. The kids have a great time teasing us about it. One thing I better mention before I forget. Bob Rostov, the lawyer, wants you to stop by the next time you visit us and check over the estate papers. He said he had a few things to talk to you about-nothing urgent but he wanted to talk in person to clear up some loose ends from Mom’s estate. By the way, why not try to make it here the week of July 22-28? The kids will be in Ann Arbor then, and we could have a chance to catch up. What do you say? Take care of yourself. Don’t get that handicap too high-I don’t have as much chance to practice. Your son, Ken |