There is a lot of importance of good behavior management which is as follows. The SHR manager should cherish the hope to amend his behavior and maintain that up to the last.
Importance of good behavior management
1. Employee satisfaction: Employee satisfaction with SHRM plays an important role in an organization.
2. Professional behavior: For professional management, good behavior is also important.
3. Proper human resource planning: To procure, develop, and utilization of resources. Proper HR planning needs to be made.
4. Proper evaluation: To evaluate performance at an organization good behavior is essential.
5. Positive politics: Most organizations exercise negative politics in our country. This affects our organization and human resource management. Good behavior is essential to overcome this.
6. Suitable relation: Suitable relation between labor and management is essential. So the organization should maintain good, relations between labor and management.
7. Motivate the employee: Motivation is an important issue to attain the overall organization’s goals. So to motivate the employee good behavior is required.

8. To establish proper policy: By good behavior, a manager can establish proper policy in an organization. A proper production technique may be applied successfully to implement the policy.
9. Impartiality: Management needs to be impartial and neutral in their work. Good behavior helps them to become impartial.
10. Responsibility to recruit: Strategic human resource managers have the responsibility to recruit and select skilled employees. Without good behavior it is impossible.
11. To reduce conflict: among employees, good behavior is needed.
12. Employee service: employee commitment deserves good behavior from SHRM (strategic human resource management).
13. Grievance handling: For proper handling of grievances, good HRM is important.
14. Working conditions: For creating and maintaining a good working environment good behavior and approach can contribute a lot.
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