An order cancellation letter is written for canceling an order like most other official letter this type of letter is also very simple and straightforward. An order cancellation letter sample provided to give proper knowledge about this letter
Some most important fact about this letter are:
- Begin by giving reference to order.
- Reasons for canceling the order should be mentioned.
Order cancellation letter sample
Date of letter Name of recipient Address line 1 Address line 1 City and state Subject: Cancellation of order due to delivery time expired Dear Sir, Please refer to our letter dated 30th June 2021 placing an order of 15 computer tables but I feel very sorry to say that I would like to cancel the order. It is because we have not received the goods nor any reply from you although the time of delivery has expired. With regret Zahid Hasan |

Order cancellation letter
Date of the letter
Name of recipient Subject: Cancellation of an order Dear Sir, Thanks for your sample of new detergent powder which you sent to us last week. Your product is definitely fine but unfortunately does not meet our requirements. I am sorry for this negative reply Thanking you- Yours faithfully |
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