A father is a mentor, guide, best friend, protector, and moreover a real-life hero. He can fight with the whole world for just the smile of his child. A father and his child’s relationship are both sweet and tricky.
As children, because of our behavior, we often need to apologize to our father. To express your apology, a letter is the best way. You don’t need to be very formal. You just write about your feelings and your apology. Here is a sample apology letter to dad is provided on this page.
Sample Apology Letter to Dad
Date: September 14, 2022
Dear Dad, I know it has been very hard for you and mom when I don’t act right. I have put you both through the pain. I don’t have very much explanation for my actions. I have lied and hurt you so badly. And I can never take back what I did as much as I wish I would turn the clock backward and make the right decisions. My dear sweet dad, please forgive me. You know, you are my both strength and weakness. If you don’t support me, I can’t even move just a single step. Please dad, please accept my heartiest apology. I promise you that I will be a good child. I will improve my behavior and make you proud. With regards, |

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