When you send an application you must attach a cover letter with your application and review the checklist to ensure there is no missing all these basic things so that you can send a perfect cover letter to your prospective employer. So, here we provide a cover letter checklist below
Cover Letter Checklist
- Check the contact name and company name.
- Try to send your application to an individual, if it is possible.
- Mention your position where you apply for and where it was listed.
- Recheck your personal information like name, address, home phone, cell phone, and email.
- Mention your name and designation if you have a contact at that company in the first paragraph.
- Your cover letter might have to be targeted to the post you applied for.
- Your letter needs to be organized, clear, concise, and focused on your strong side.
- Explain clearly if you have any gaps in your job history.
- 10 or 12 is the best font size for the cover letter it is easy to read and the font should be Times New Roman or Arial, for example.
- Reconfirm that there is no typographical, grammatical, or spelling mistake.
- Read your cover letter loudly so that you can make sure there are no missing words.
- Collect a copy of your cover letter for your personal records.
- Sign the letter if you send hard copies.
- Send your application in a business envelope (first choice) and make sure your letter is on top of the resume.

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