Layout involves the logical arrangement of the physical facilities of a business in order to provide efficiency of operations. What is efficient and logical depends to a considerable extent upon the type of business.
In order to avoid makeshift arrangements, the inexperienced entrepreneur should obtain the services of an architect, an engineer, or one who is sufficiently skilled to make an effective arrangement of the available facilities.
Layout of the Business
The factory layout presents a three-dimensional space problem. Over headspace may be utilized for power conduits, pipelines for exhaust systems, and the like. A proper design of storage areas and handling systems makes use of space near the ceiling.

1. Process and Product Layouts: Two contrasting types of layouts are used in industrial firms. One of these is called process layout and has similar machines grouped together.
2. Tools for Planning Layout: Three tools available for planning layouts deserve special attention.
3. The layout of Work Stations: The workspace allocated to any given machine and operator must itself be properly laid out, with standard positions for all tools, parts, supply items, packaging items, and the like.
4. The layout of the Office: The layout of the general office may be a problem in the new small factory. Its location relative to the rest of the factory is perhaps more important than the internal arrangement of its physical facilities.
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