The transmittal letter is essential for an assignment and report. It will describe the basic thing of your report. Here we provide some letter of transmittal example.
We mention 50+ transmittal letter sample here on this page. Hope you find your perfect one.
Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal Example
August 25, 2021
Kazi Atif Anwar Subject: Letter of Transmittal Dear Sir, With due respect, we, the undersigned students of BBA 13th (B) batch have reported on “National Budget of Bangladesh” under the course: Business Law. Though we are on the learning curve, this report has enabled us to gain insight into the core fact of the National Budget. So it becomes an extremely challenging and interesting experience. Thank you for your supportive consideration for formulating an idea. Without your Inspiring, this report would have been an incomplete one. Lastly, I would be thankful once again if you please give your judicious advice on the effort. Yours’ sincerely, Abu Musa Md. Al Hamid Md.Jafar Iqbal |

Letter of Transmittal Template
To Subject: Submission of internship report on “Customer Satisfaction of Akij Food & Beverage Ltd: A Case Study of Clemon Soft Drink” Dear Sir, It is an immense pleasure for me to submit your internship report titled “Customer Satisfaction of Akij Food & Beverage Ltd: A Case Study of Clemon Soft Drink”. I was assigned to work at the Head office of AFBL. I have tried my level best to fulfill all my requirements for this course and tried to follow my supervisor’s instructions while preparing this report. This gave me the opportunity to theoretical knowledge in the practical field, which helps me in my future career. It would be a profound pleasure for me if the report can serve its purpose. I would be available at any time to explain to you any queries if feel necessary. Thanking You Sincerely Yours ——————— Md. Tariqul Islam |
Letter of Transmittal Sample
31 May 2021
Md. Abul Kalam Azad Subject: Submission of the Internship Report on “An Investigation on EXIM BANK’s Present Performance among the Branches of Dhaka City in Absence of Online Banking System” Dear Sir, I am pleased to submit this internship report on “EXIM BANK’s Present Performance among the Branches of Dhaka City in Absence of Online Banking System” which is prepared for the purpose of fulfilling a requirement of the course internship program. This report helped me to know valuable knowledge about different aspects of the Online Banking System. I have tried my level best to collect the information for the report. I hope the report will give a fair idea of the concerned issue. I wish that you would be very pleased to accept my report and oblige thereby. Sincerely yours _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Samir Ibn Lokman |
Letter of Transmittal Format
July 16, 2021
Md. Golam Faruqe (P.hd) Subject: Submission of Report Dear Sir, We are pleased to submit the report that you asked for & gave us the authorization to work on “Marketing Strategies on XYZ Stamford Pran Dairy Farm this report is an essential part of our course, we tried our best to work on it carefully and sincerely to make the report informative. The study I conducted enhanced our knowledge to make an executive report. This report has given us an exceptional experience that might have immense uses in future endeavors and I sincerely hope that it would be able to fulfill your expectations. We have put our sincere effort to give this report a presentable shape and make it as informative and precise as possible. We thank you for providing us with this unique opportunity. Sincerely yours, Ismat Ara Sl # 04 |
Letter of Transmittal Example
26 March 2021
Department of Business Administration Subject: Submitting the Internship Report. Dear Sir, As a part of the MBA program of the faculty of Business Studies, an internship is enclosed herewith, which is submitted as a requirement for a partially fulfillment MBA program at Southeast University. In the course of preparation of the report, relevant data, concerning articles, and information were studied and practical knowledge had been gathered. It has been a unique experience to carry out such research work. And also this was an opportunity for me to enrich my knowledge by having an acquaintance with the practice that will help me a lot in my career. I have tried my best to make this report informative. However, despite my best effort, there may remain some flaws in the report. I hope and pray that the mistakes will be kindly excused. Thanking you Sincerely yours, _________________ ID No.: |
Letter of Transmittal Template
19th of April, 2021
To Subject: Submission of the business plan on ‘Freya’s’ a beauty salon & spa company. Dear Sir, This is to inform you that we have completed the business plan that you had assigned us for the course MGT 368 for the semester of Spring 2021. For the business plan, we selected a salon service company to work on. We have introduced new features into this existing business and then we have devised a business plan for the company. In writing this report, we have followed the instructions that you have given us in the class, and we have also applied relevant concepts that we have learned throughout our course. We have defied our core competencies, strategies on a different level, marketing plans, and financial calculations. The contents provided in this report are all our own, though some information and references have been taken from different sources to facilitate our report. However, we will be glad to clarify any discrepancies that may arise. Finally, we would love to express our gratitude for your supportive thoughts and kind consideration in and outside of the class. Yours sincerely, Tanjila Afrin |

Letter of Transmittal Sample
Date: 26/03/2021
To Subject: Submission of Project Paper. Dear Sir, I am hereby pleased to submit the project on “Historical work of the law commission in the Indian sub-continent: An Analysis” It is a great pleaser to work on such an important topic. This project work is done according to the World University of Bangladesh (WUB). I believe that this report will certainly help you in evaluating my project work. I would be very happy to provide any assistance in the interpretation of any part of the paper whenever necessary. Sincerely yours, Md. Ripon Mia |
Letter of transmittal example
12 September 2021
Mr. Nyel J. Rahman Ref: Letter of Transmittal. Sir, With great pleasure and interest here I submit the report, which you have authorized us to prepare by 12th September 2021, as an internship report. This report is focused on “Foreign Exchange Business”. Here I discussed the export and import transaction regarding the letter of credit and has also given the graphical illustration of some of the important trend which has been explored through my program. I sincerely hope, sir that you will enjoy reading this report. If you need any further information and clarification please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely Yours, |
Transmittal letter example
May 26, 2021
Mr. Kazi M Tarique Subject: Report on “Loan and Advances Procedure OF Basic Bank Limited” Dear Sir, In connection with my practical orientation in BASIC Bank Ltd., I would like to submit my report to you for your perusal. I have prepared this report on the basis of my practical exposure at the Uttara Branch in the Entire Department of BASIC Bank Ltd. It is a great pleasure for me to present you this report under the head of ‘Loan And Advances Procedure OF Basic Bank Limited’. BASIC Bank provides various banking facilities under General Banking and Loans & Advances. Although BASIC is a state-owned commercial bank, its performance is appraising with respect to diversified credit mobilization and reduced classified loans. Needless to mention, most Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCB’s) are facing acute problems of the same. I will be very glad if the report can serve its actual purpose and I am ready to explain anything to you if you feel necessary. Yours sincerely, (Md. Abul Kalam Azad) |
Transmittal letter sample
26 April 2021
Mr. Mosharref Hossain Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Sir, This report is an integral part of our academic courses in the completion of the BBA program which has given me the opportunity to have an insight into the nature of loans, deposits, credit disbursement, and recovery policy of “The City Bank Limited”. In completing the report I tried my best to blend all my knowledge and in imparting every available detail of the Bank avoiding unnecessary amplification of the report. I humbly request you to accept this report for your kind evaluation. Sincerely yours, ………………………… |
Transmittal letter format
January 08, 2021
MS. HOMAYARA LATIFA AHMED Subject: Letter of Transmittal Dear Mam: I have completed the Internship Report required to be submitted as a precondition for the completion of the MBA Degree. The title of my report is “Loan Syndication through Structuring New Product Mixtures”. The Internship Report is based on my 4 monthly attachment in Eastern Bank Limited, A private commercial bank in Bangladesh. I have been attached to the Structured Finance Unit under Corporate Banking Division. In writing this report I had to conduct extensive research and interviews with authorized personnel and consult with several people without whom this would not be possible. Many thanks to them. I especially thank you for allowing me to do an Internship Report on a subject in which I have great interest. It will be kind of you if you accept my report on the aforesaid topic. I hope you will be pleased with the report. For further query, I am always available Thanking you, |
Transmittal letter template
15 April 2021
To Subject: Letter of Transmittal Dear Sir Assalamu Alaikum This internship report is an integral part of my academic program in the completion of the degree named Bachelor of Business Administration, which has assigned me “General Banking, Investment and Foreign Exchange Operations of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited”. In completing the Report, I have tried my level best in imparting every available detail of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited. With best regards Md. Faysal Rahman |
Transmittal letter example
August 16, 2021
Mohammed Sohail Mustafa Sub: Seeking permission to submit the Internship report on “Overall banking performance and level of customer satisfaction of Mercantile Bank Ltd. (Main Branch)” Dear Sir, It is my privilege to let you know that as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), I have completed my internship program in the Mercantile Bank Limited, Main Branch. I have to furnish a report based on my practical experience. The report focuses mainly on the Overall banking performance and level of customer satisfaction of Mercantile Bank Ltd. (Main Branch). It was a stimulating opportunity and a valuable experience for me in the real business world. I am grateful for providing me such an opportunity to gather practical experience of working in a private commercial bank, like Mercantile Bank Limited. Hope that you would be very pleased to accept my report and oblige me. Thanking you in anticipation. Sincerely yours, |
Transmittal letter template
Date: 4th September 2021
Junaid Khan Subject: Submission of the Intern report. Dear Sir, I am very pleased to submit this report, which has been prepared for the requirement of the course of BUS-498. I tried my level best to complete this report properly and to write an efficient project within all the constraints. In spite of the various difficulties faced in preparing this project, I tried to be as thorough as possible. I, therefore, request you to accept this report as per the requirement of the course. Sincerely, |
Transmittal letter sample
Date: 31st October 2021
To Subject: Submission of the internship report. Dear Sir, It is my great pleasure to submit my internship report on “Foreign Exchange Transaction System followed By Standard Bank Limited”. I have completed my internship from August to October 2021. Here is my overview of the focused activities of Standard Bank Limited. I have tried to explain my learning and experience briefly throughout my report. I appreciate that the approach really contributes to giving my course learning a lasting shape on me. The entire report is based on my practical experience in Standard Bank Ltd. I have put my best effort into completing the report with all the information that I have collected during my stay at Standard Bank Ltd. I have great hope that the report will meet your expectation and aid you in getting a clearer idea about the subject. Sincerest gratitude for your illuminating guidance. Sincerely yours, Mustafizur Rahman Suman |
Transmittal letter format
Date: July 29, 2021
Professor Dr. A. K. M. Moniruzzaman Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Sir, I am very happy to declare that the report, ”Human Resource Management practice in Trust Bank limited” is an integrated part of my MBA program which very much enriches my academic background about entering the professional field. I am glad to submit it as part of the completion of my internet with you. Three months of internship at Trust Bank Limited, Gulshan Branch was a worthwhile experience for me as it provided me with wide exposure to real-life working situations. The project study also enriched my knowledge about how a bank operates and performs its banking activities by maximizing profit as well as providing the best customer service in the competitive financial market of Bangladesh’s economy. I have tried my level best to follow the guidelines of yours. I am very much glad that you have given me the opportunity to prepare this report for you and hope that this report will meet the standards of your judgment. Yours truly, Afroza Sultana |
Transmittal letter example
June 29, 2021
Prof. DR. Mosharraf Hossain PhD Subject: Submission of the internship report. Dear Sir, I have learned many practical aspects of doing business and endeavored for taking up a career as an entrepreneur. I have enjoyed working on this report and hope that this report will meet the level of your expectations. I will be always available for further queries. Sincerely yours, Md. Mahfuj Iqbal |
Letter of transmittal example
July 26, 2021
Abdullah Mohammed Ibrahim Subject: Transmission of internship report. Dear Sir, With due respect & honor, I want to inform you that I have successfully done your assigned task and made this extent regarding the internship report on “Activities of Industrial Engineering Department; An internship report based on Kaniz Fashions Limited”. I am very much grateful to you as you believed in me for this type of job in the future. In this regard, I also want to assure you that I will be always available if you want to make any conversation on this internship report. Sincerely ————————— |
Letter of Transmittal template
October 24, 2021
Professor Dr. Md. Arshed Ali Matubbar Subject: Solicitation for acceptance of the Dissertation. Sir, I am pleased to submit my Dissertation Report after the successful completion of the dissertation report on “Performance Evaluation of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited”. As I am serving in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd., I was assigned to make the dissertation report which will be helpful in my banking career as well as practical life. I express my gratitude to you for giving me the chance to acquire special knowledge on the Performance Evaluation of AIBL. In spite of various shortcomings, I have devoted my best efforts to cover up all the relevant areas of the Performance of the organization. I hope that you will appreciate my endeavor and this report will satisfy you up to your expectation. It is indeed that without your advice and co-operation it would not be possible to submit this report on time. I have tried my best to make this report is a comprehensive and informative manner. All of my works and information presented in this report is done with utmost sincerity and honesty. I shall be gratified to answer any sort of queries you think necessary regarding this report, assuring of my presence if and when needed. Sincerely Yours, Abdul Mannan |
Letter of transmittal sample
February 23, 2021
Mr. Md. Atiqul Islam Subject: Submission of Internship Project Report. Dear Sir, It is a matter of honor to state that, I hereby submit the internship report on ‘Consumer Perception About “রাঁধুনী” Pure Mustard Oil’. I would like to thank you for assigning me to this project work which has helped me to enrich my knowledge as well as to gain experience. I also would like to thank you for constant guidance and support, without which it would have been impossible to finish the work. I am pleased for being able to submit the report on time. I hope that you will enjoy the journey of going through this project report. Yours sincerely, Name: Tanjila Afrin Sharna |
Transmittal letter sample for report
June 12, 2021
Md. Abul Kalam Azad Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Dear Sir, It is my pleasure to submit the internship report titled “Credit Approval and Monitoring Process of Bank Asia Limited with respect to Bangladesh Bank guidelines” that has been prepared as an integral part of my degree requirement. I have tried my best to follow the instructions of my supervisor in preparing this report. I have done my Internship in Bank Asia Limited at Scotia Branch in the Credit Section. In the year 2004 Bangladesh Bank came up with some best practices policy guidelines for commercial. As a result, I got the opportunity to prepare my internship report on the above topic. While preparing this report I went through an extensive literature survey and interviewed the high bank officials. It was a great learning experience for me. I hope you would find this report up to your expectation. I would be grateful to receive your suggestions and comments regarding this. Thank you. ———————— |
Transmittal letter for report
Dated: 28th, July 2021
Course Instructor: Nazir Ahmed Khan Subject: Acceptance of the Term Paper Dear Sir, With due respect and humble submission, we the students of BBA are submitting our term paper on “On-Site and Off-Site Supervision of Schedule Banks by Bangladesh Bank’. It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that we have completed our term paper under your kind-hearted direct supervision. This is also to consider that we can analyze this term paper based on our perception. Now, we have placed our term paper before you for your kind approval. We hope that our term paper will satisfy you. Sincerely yours, Mohammad Farhan Habib ID: 111 063 087 |
Example of transmittal letter for report
Mohana Matin Lecturer Department of Business Administration World University of Bangladesh Subject: Submission of the Report on “General Banking activities of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited”. Dear Madam, It is my great pleasure to submit the internship report on the above-mentioned topic. Through this report, I have tried my level best to work sincerely and to cover all the aspects regarding the topic. For preparing this report, I have tried to gather information from different sources. It is my great pleasure and valuable experience to work with this organization. Therefore I hope that you would be very pleased to accept my report and oblige me thereby. Thanking you for giving me this wonderful opportunity. Yours sincerely —————— |
Letter of transmittal sample for a report
30 October 2021
Mrs. Chowdhury Shegufta Afrin Subject: Submission of Internship report. Dear Madam, It’s my great pleasure to submit an internship report on the project titled “Overall Banking System of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd”, which is a partial fulfillment of the requirement of the BBA program. As an intern of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd I’ve gone through all the departments of the branch and the report is prepared focusing on the overall banking function and procedure of this branch. Careful attention has been taken regarding data collection, the relevance of data, and the preparation of this report. The information provided in this report is very authentic and effort has been provided to make this a comprehensive one. For better understanding and reliability, this is being segmented into various chapters and this will provide an extensive source of information. I convey my sincerest thanks and gratitude for giving me the scope and I believe that this report will certainly help you in evaluating my coursework. Thank you Sincerely yours, |
Example of transmittal letter about business
January 03, 2021
Prof. Latifur Rahman Sub: Submission of Internship Report on “Performance Relationship/Customer Service Through Overall Banking System On Agrani Bank Ltd”. Dear Sir, I am an enormous delight to submit to you the internship report on“PERFORMANCE RELATIONSHIP/CUSTOMER SERVICE THROUGH OVERALL BANKING SYSTEM ON AGRANI BANK LTD” which was assigned to me for the academic requirement of the BBA program of Stamford University Bangladesh. The sole aim of the program is to blend the academic knowledge with that of a practical one achieves a feeling of how organizations are managed in a real-life situation that helps me for future career development. I would like to express to you for your constant guidance. Advice suggestion and Promote attention that played a vital role in making this report to suggestion. Sincerely yours ___________________ |
Sample transmittal letter for the formal report
February 13, 2021
Dr. Mizanur Rahman Dear Sir, It is with great pleasure that I am going to present my internship report on “Financial Inclusion: Importance of mobile payment system”. I have worked with information related to a mobile payment system in Bangladesh during the time I made this report and on the basis of this information and my analysis; I have tried to incorporate the perspective of the mobile payment system in financial inclusion in Bangladesh. I have tried hard and soul to make the paper as comprehensive as possible. I hope that you will approve the paper and it will meet your standard. In this regard, special thanks to you for forwarding your helping hand from time to time. Sincerely —————————— |
Transmittal letter example for a report
August 3, 2021
Mr. Md. Arshad Mahmud Khan Subject: Submission of Internship Report Sir, It is a great pleasure to submit the internship report titled “NRB Remittance in relation to General Banking: A Study on AB Bank Limited” to you. This internship program gives me the opportunity to learn different aspects of a banking organization. Before facing the real business world, I have got a pre-idea about the organizational culture. I have tried to exert my entire thing, which I gathered from being with AB Bank Limited during the last 3 months of my internship. I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to do an internship with your bank and allowing me to pursue my thesis work. I would be available at your disposal if any clarification is needed. Sincerely Yours, …………………………………… |
Letter of transmittal for a report
March 1, 2021
Mr. Mostofa Saidur Rahim Khan Dear Sir, I am pleased to submit the internship report on “General Banking and Credit Management of AB Bank Ltd.” As per our Bachelor Business Administration (BBA) Program requirement. I have prepared this report on the basis of my practical exposure at the New Elephant Road Branch of AB Bank Ltd. I have worked over there in two departments from 19th October 2008 to 20th January 2021 but I have gathered knowledge about other departments. It would be a pleasure for me if this report can serve its purpose. I will be available to explain your quires if you feel necessary. Sincerely yours, |
Example of letter of transmittal for a report
Date: January 05, 2021 Dr. Toufiq Ahmed Choudhury Subject: Submission of Practical Orientation Report. Dear Sir, It is my great pleasure to submit the Practical Orientation Report on “Overall Banking System in AB Bank ltd”. As per the requirement of MBM, I have completed the Practical Orientation Program at AB Bank Ltd, Rokeya Soroni Branch, Rokeya Soroni, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216. I have tried to exert all the knowledge that I gathered through my working with AB Bank Ltd. Working for two months (21st September to 20th November) in AB Bank Ltd. Rokeya Soroni Branch, helped me to fulfill the requirement of writing this report and subsequent preparation of this report is a very valuable experience for me as it helps to combine practical with theoretical knowledge. My Practical Orientation Program at AB Bank Ltd. was a worthwhile experience and the exposure to such a reputed organization would be defining a value for me. I have tried my best to furnish all departments (General Banking, Credit & Foreign Exchange) in that Branch. So, it would be kind enough for me if you receive my report and pardon me for any errors and mistakes. Sincerely yours, |
Sample letter of transmittal for a report
18th August 2021
To Subject: Submission of Internship Report of MBA Program Dear Sir, I am very pleased to submit the report on “Stock Brokerage Operation and Lease Finance “of International Leasing Securities Limited (ILSL)” supervised by Prof. Maksudur Rahman Sarker. While working on this report, I got the opportunity to have an overall idea about the Leasing Industry of Bangladesh, Stock Brokerage Operation, Leasing Process, and Performance of different financial institutions. To achieve the purpose and objectives of the report was my central concentration and I believe that my endeavor has served the purpose. The experience I have had while preparing this report was very challenging and interesting. It has enriched my knowledge and experience. Finally, I would like to thank you for providing me with such an opportunity. Thanking you. Sincerely yours |
Sample letter of transmittal for business report
January 08, 2021
Eliza Huq Sub: Submission of Internship Report Sir This is a great Pleasure for me to submit the internship report on “Credit Management A case study of EXIM Bank Limited Karwan Bazar Branch” which is a partial requirement of my B.B.A program. While preparing this report, I tried my best to follow the instruction that you have given me. The entire report is on my practical experience in the bank. I have furnished all the things that I have learned during the internship program at EXIM Bank Limited, Karwan Bazar Branch. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for assigning me this report, which has helped me in so many ways to learn so many things about working. I shall be highly encouraged if you are kind enough to receive this report. Yours sincerely |
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- Sample acknowledgment letter for internship report
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- Internship certificate format / sample / template / example
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- Sample Acknowledgement for Internship Report
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