Long-term nationwide studies indicate that general job satisfaction has been, relatively high and stable in the United States. Although worker expectations have both increased arid changed in their focus over time, the quality of management practices also has improved. As a result, more than 80 percent of those in the workforce usually report that they are reasonably satisfied with their jobs. Let’s discuss the levels of job satisfaction.
Levels of job satisfaction
Managers should not be complacent. However, this statistic also suggests that millions of workers (the other 20 percent) are unhappy, and many other millions are probably dissatisfied with some specific aspect of their jobs.

In addition, many of the “satisfied” workers may have simply resigned themselves to their work situations, with the result that they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
Moreover, many workers live under a cloud of job insecurity as a result of attempts to improve organizational effectiveness by lying to thousands of workers.
The level of job satisfaction across groups is not constant, but it is related to a number of variables. Analysis of these relationships allows managers to predict which groups are more likely to exhibit the problem behaviors associated with dissatisfaction. The key variable revolves around age, occupational level, and organizational size.
As workers grow older, they initially tend to be slightly more satisfied with their jobs. Apparently, they lower their jobs. Apparently, they lower their expectations to more realistic levels and adjust themselves better to their work situations.
Predictably, too, people with higher-level occupations tend to be more satisfied with their jobs.
Finally, there is some evidence to suggest that levels of job satisfaction are higher in smaller organizational units, such as a branch plant or a small Silicon Valley enterprise.
Larger organizations tend to overwhelm people, disrupt supportive processes, and limit the amounts of personal closeness, friendship, and small-group teamwork that are important aspects of job satisfaction for many people.
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- What is the Definition of Job Satisfaction?
- Various Job Satisfaction Factors
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- Benefits / Advantages of Job Satisfaction Studies
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