Preferably it was assumed that job satisfaction led to performance or productivity. A well-satisfied worker will take imitative in increasing list productivity. But later researchers proved that this assumption is not correct.
Thus relation between satisfaction and productivity is complete, being influenced by several intervening variables such as a reward. So, we are going to discuss in detail the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity.
Relationship between job satisfaction and productivity
Job satisfaction and performance have some correlation but are of insignificant character. Sometimes it is a problem for some to know whether job satisfaction leads to higher productivity or it is higher productivity that leads to better job satisfaction.
According to Peter and Lawler: Productivity leads to job satisfaction because performance attracts rewards and if we accept it according to equity theory, rewards result in job satisfaction.

Probably the most realistic approach to the system concept is that both are correlated and influence each other. In this way, these two, have a circular relationship.
Performance or productivity leads to rewards and satisfaction which then pushes the men to more effort because of high perceived expectancy and it further leads to higher performance or productivity which again leads to satisfaction in a circular relationship.
On this basis, it can be said that job satisfaction can lead to productivity if effective leadership is provided.
The relationship between job satisfaction and productivity may be:
- High productivity results in low job satisfaction;
- High job satisfaction and low productivity, and
- High productivity is related to high satisfaction.
The reasons are discussed below:
In this case, high productivity may be achieved at low job satisfaction. When techniques of scientific management such as time study, motion study, and fatigue study are applied to an organization in a bid to improve production by increasing the productivity of various factors of production, there will be low job satisfaction among workers because they will have to work without any expectation of reward.
There may be cases where productivity is low and job satisfaction high. This position is possible where supervisors are of the view that effective organizational behavior means keeping workers happy by all means regardless of the effects or organizational goal, I,e, productivity.
The third possibility may be where high productivity and job satisfaction are directly and positively correlated. It is the most desirable arrangement possible.
High productivity and low satisfaction may remain for a shorter period but this relationship cannot exist for long because a large enough group is affected. Resistance and restrictions develop and lead eventually to low productivity.
The reverse (high job satisfaction related to low productivity) is also a short-term affair because an organization cannot bear losses due to higher costs and low productivity and eventually it will have no existence in the near future. Thus high job satisfaction and high productivity is the only desirable position.
Low productivity, turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, theft, and violence are all typically negative behaviors, for they harm the organization and sometimes its members. Many employees, however, hold positive attitudes toward their work and organization.
And these pay off in both Obvious and more subtle ways. In particular, employees sometimes demonstrate organizational citizenship behaviors, which are discretionary actions that promote the organization’s success.
Organizational citizenship is often marked by its spontaneity, its voluntary nature, its constructive impact on results, its unexpected helpfulness to others, and the fact that it is optional.
Acts of good organizational citizenship include the use of courtesy in touching bases with others before taking action, sportsmanlike tolerance of daily nuisances on a job, unusual conscientiousness, help in behaviors, and a variety of civic behaviors, such as attending meetings even though reluctant to do so.
Research suggests that these “good soldiers” engage in these actions for any of three reasons:
- Their personality disposes them to do so.
- They hope that by doing so they will receive special recognition or rewards.
- They are attempting to engage in image enhancement by managing the impressions that others form of them.
Regardless of their motivation, organizational citizenship behaviors are usually appreciated by the organization and coworkers alike.
Related Content of Job Satisfaction:
- What is the Definition of Job Satisfaction?
- Levels of Job Satisfaction
- Various Job Satisfaction Factors
- Benefits / Advantages of Job Satisfaction Studies
- Different Types of Job Satisfaction Surveys
- Different Types of Survey Questions which are Mostly Used in Survey
- Uses of Survey Information Getting from Job Satisfaction Survey
This is a great read about job satisfaction and how it relates to productivity. The main point I often stumble upon for this subject is the term satisfaction. The word just feels too ambiguous. An employee could be satisfied in their job simply because of it an easy life to them, it doesn’t hold value in them being challenged to progress their career, or committed to the cause. They could be happy and satisfied, but when presented with an offer of a higher wage elsewhere, they would leave without hesitation. They would hesitate however if they were engaged in their role and company culture. With clear organizational clarity, they will have a vision of goals and will stride to make them goals reality, becoming a family member of the company and not just a number.