Employee evaluations can be performed by a name of individuals or groups, matrix type organizations, for example, employees must often have two immediate supervisors and receive ratings from both of them.
Having more than one rate can increase the reliability of the performance evaluation. A number of potential sources of performance ratings are discussed in the following sections. Let’s know about the responsible person to conduct performance appraisal.
Table of Contents
Person to conduct performance appraisal
The most common evaluator is the employee’s immediate supervisor. It has been estimated that in over 90 percent of all performances only the immediate supervisor completes appraisals. To be able to evaluate the employee effectively, the supervisor should have frequent contact with the employee and be able to obtain specific information regarding his or her performance. The supervisor may benefit from obtaining information from some of the additional sources described below:
In certain situations, co-workers may evaluate their peers’ performance.
Although co-workers may be somewhat uncomfortable and resistant to evaluating their peers at least one study has shown that peer evaluations are more stable over time and may be the most accurate evaluations of employee performance.
An organization may choose to Performance Appraisal encourage peer evaluations, particularly if the contact between supervisor and employee is limited.
Also. If sell-managed work teams are using rating is an important component of the performance appraisal system.

Employees Themselves
Occasionally, employees are given the opportunity to assess their own performance. Although many are reluctant to engage in self-ratings, this information can be extremely valuable to supervisors.
Large discrepancies between the supervisor and imp evaluation should be the reason for concern. Discrepancies often occur a lack of communication and performance feedback from the super
Subordinates are valuable sources of information examining the performance of supervisory employees.
It is imp encourages subordinates to be candid if the information is to be useful. Candor, of course, is most likely to occur when subordinates are guaranteed anonymity and have no fear of appraisal.
Computer-aided management involves the use of the computer to monitor, supervise, and evaluate employee performance elector.
It has been estimated that by the year 2000 as many as 30 million visual display terminal users might be evaluated and monitored by c methods.
Monitoring employees by the computer are open to serious invasions of privacy issues. Some lawmakers are already attempting legislation that would limit the use of computer monist organizations.
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It is important for employees to rate themselves during the performance review process to understand any gaps between employee and manager.