Sometimes some awful situations happened. We cannot but have to deal with it. In your letter, you have to show some sympathy and obviously, convey your apology. Sorry is a must for this kind of behavior. You should also assure them this kind of offense will never ever happen in the future. A sample apology letter for fighting is mentioned below:
Apology letter for fighting
Date: September 14, 2022
Dear (Receiver’s Name). It was very embarrassing. Through this act, I have learned that nobody appreciates this kind of heinous behavior. I will always keep it and remember it in the future and never do this again. I promise you. Please give me a chance to prove myself and my promise. I will never commit this mistake again. Again, I am extremely sorry for my actions. I will look forward to you soon in our office. Please, don’t be angry with me for a long time. We started working in the office together. You are one of my closest colleagues. I hope that this mess-up won’t break our longtime friendship. If you have any kind of doubts or thoughts on this matter, you are free to share them with me. You can come to my cabin at your convenience. Yours sincerely, |

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