Sometimes some awful situations happen such as stealing. We have to apologize for such kind of things. For this, we have to write a formal apology letter for stealing. A sample of an apology letter for stealing is provided on this page.
An Apology Letter for stealing
Date: September 9, 2022
Dear (name), I feel very ashamed to write this letter to you. The day when I stole your document of yours to make your head down in front of the whole office management. I have no strong reason for what I did but I just want you to know that if I would have really thought about it, I would have never done such a shameless act. I know I deserve a strong punishment but I am very thankful to you for not taking any actions against me. I understand that stealing is a very wrong thing and what happened on (date) at (location) has taught me that the consequences are not worth an unlawful gain. Please accept my apology for this act. I know you cannot but please forgive me for this last time and I promise that henceforth there will be no such mistake caused by my side. Once again I am very sorry for my misbehaving and my act. If you have anything further to discuss on the matter please feel free to contact me. I once again apologize for my shameful act. Thank You. |

Apology letter for theft
Forgiveness is asked in the apology letter. To write an apology letter and ask for sorry is something that is very unique. Although, today’s generation where people mostly depend on mobile, they also find it convenient to ask for forgiveness by writing a letter. If you realize that you have committed a mistake don’t hesitate, just write a letter and ask for forgiveness.
You have to express your sincerest apology. You should offer an explanation without trying to excuse what you had done. You can offer yourself the punishment to be given.
Date: September 10, 2022
Dear Sir, I know I deserve a strong punishment but I am very thankful to you for not taking any actions against me. I understand that stealing is a very wrong thing and what happened on (date) at (location) has taught me that the consequences are not worth an unlawful gain. Please accept my apology for this act. I know you cannot but please forgive me for this last time and I promise that henceforth there will be no such mistake caused by my side. Once again I am very sorry for misbehaving and my actions. If you have anything further to discuss on the matter please feel free to contact me. I once again apologize for my shameful act. Thank You. |
More Letter Sample
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apology letters on various grounds.
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I have had a large amount of money stolen from me, and I know the person who did this, I wasn’t in the presence of the person who did it, and I later came to realise it was my fault for allowing it, although I think the person in question may have been desperate for money, but instead of asking, stole it from me. I found out he had stole it as I counted my money after he left my property and he was the only person in my property at the time, I classed this person as a good friend, and I thought it only right to forgive him, as we learn to let go of any grudge and seek to try and move on.