The teacher is our mentor, our guide. They always show us the right way. They make us understand the difference between right and wrong. But sometimes we make a mistake and hurt our teachers. If you ever did it and you realize your fault and you want an apology, this sample apology letter to a professor will definitely help you.
When it comes to apologizing, students find it very difficult to apologize personally. So, if you want to apologize to your teacher, read on and you might use the sample as a template to write.
Apology letter to a professor
Date: September 20, 2022
To Dear Sir, You can expect better and more appropriate behavior from me in the future. I have learned from this experience and understand that a certain level of retraining and professionalism is expected of me in the classroom. I hope our relationship is undamaged by my actions and that I can continue to learn and grow under your guidance. May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to accept my heartiest apology and give me another chance and oblige thereby. You’re a most obedient pupil |

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I am a school teacher and I want to write an apology letter to my principal for coming late to school. How can I do that?
And Happy New Year!
Thanks for your comment, very soon we will publish a sample letter according to your demand.
very good you helped me in writing apology letter keep it up