An apology letter to the judge should be very formal, sincere, and professional. At first, you should apologize and get straight to the point. Then explain the incident but do not try to excuse your actions during the incident. You must end it in a positive tone. It should be from your heart, so a lawyer can only guide you generally. Here is a sample format of an apology letter to the judge provided on this page.
Sample Apology Letter to Judge
Date: September 14, 2022
Your Honor, The reason behind writing this letter is to express my sincere apologies for the act that happened on the last day in the courtroom. I responded out of turn and my behavior was not appropriate and did not reflect the respect that was expected in the court. There is, however, no excuse for such kind of bad behavior. I have realized that I was so wrong. Larceny and identity theft is a serious crime. I admit that I was so wrong and accept my guilty. I also accept full responsibility. I will promise the court that I will never do this again. I feel very ashamed and remorseful for my actions. I can’t make any kind of excuse for what I did. I am also very sorry for what transpired. I meant no disrespect to you or the court of (state). Obviously, I can understand it may be very difficult for the court to accept my apology. Because what I did was out of bounds. I crossed my limits. But I hope that this letter might give me an opportunity to prove my behavior and to help make things better. Sincerely, (Your Name) |

More Letter Sample
Though this is a formal letter it is essential to be correct the format. Can you ensure the format is correct? Otherwise, all other thing is ok I think.
Yes, this format is correct, you should address someone and at the end of the letter, you should include your detail.