When your accommodations are not what you reserved, you have a right to ask for a refund. Remember, however, that the desk clerk usually does not have the power to authorize a refund or reduction in rats when the hotel, motel, or resort makes a mistake. Only the manager or vice president can do so. Write your letter to these individuals, explaining what happened and what you want them to do. Let’s see a sample letter request for refund of payment.
Sample letter request for refund of payment
June 15, 2022
Mr. Hendrick Campbell, Manager Dear Mr. Campbell: The second evening, the convention guests left and we were given our double room. As if the disappointment in our accommodations were not enough, imagine our disgust when we received our monthly credit card statement and discovered we had been charged full price for both nights: $125.00 per night. We did not stay in our room both nights, Mr. Campbell. In fact, since your hotel accepted our reservation and then failed to provide the promised room, we believe we should not be charged at all for having to sleep in your hotel lobby. Please credit $125.00 to our credit card account (MC 1234-5678-9000-0000). We would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, |

Nice pices of sample letter thanks for sharing it helps me