Once the job analysis has been conducted, the data can be applied to a variety of human resource functions.
Here describe the traditional ways in which the result of job analysis can be used. The following sections described ways to use job analysis data in more detail.
Ways to Use Job Analysis Data
1. Job Evaluation: The information gathered during a job analysis can be used; as input for the organization’s job evaluation system.
The job evaluation deuterium the worth of a particular job to the organization. This information is primarily used to determine the pay for the job.
Thus, employees should be more for working on more difficult jobs analysis information is instrumental in determining which jobs contain more difficult tasks, duties & responsibilities.
2. Recruitment, Selection & Placement: A good job analysis should provide information useful in planning for recruitment, selection & placement.
Managers will be better able to plan for the staffing of their organizations if they understand the skills needed & the types of jobs that will most likely open up in the future.
Further, selecting an individual for a job requires a thorough understanding of the type of work to be done & the qualifications necessary to perform the work.
Selecting individuals to fill positions is effective only if there is a clear & accurate understanding of what the job entails. Job analysis information is also useful for detecting unnecessary job requirements.
Placing employees into jobs by means of promotions & transfers is made easier if the details of what the job entails are known & the qualifications necessary to do the job are well understood.
Labor & Human Resource Relations: Information generated from the job analysis can help both labor & management understand what should be expected from each job incumbent & how much employees should be compensated for performing a particular job.
Obviously, the information generated from the job analysis is most beneficial if it is clearly communicated to both employees & management. This communication can help alleviate perceived inequities among employees.
Utilizing Human Resources: All managers would like to utilize their employees optimally. However, performance appraisals often reveal that many employees are not adequately performing their jobs. Job analysis information can help both employees & managers pinpoint the root of the problem.

Specific Information Time and Cost: The purpose of the job analysis, the types of information required, the time & cost constraints, the level of employee involvement & the level of detail desired should be specified before choosing one or more of the available methods of data collection.
Strategic Influence: The strategy of an organization can influence which human resource activities will be emphasized. In turn, certain human resource activities (such as selection or performance appraisal) may require different job analysis methods.
Steps of Analysis: Managers should follow or include some major steps for analyzing jobs.
Designing Job Analysis: The job analysis should be designed so that job descriptions & job specifications can be derived easily.
Organizational Changes: If major organizational changes have taken place, managers should consider conducting a job analysis.
Future-Oriented Job Analysis: If major organizations are anticipated. Managers should consider conducting a more future job analysis.
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