An entrepreneur should have some attributes/characteristics to be a successful entrepreneur. I think every entrepreneur should know about these attributes because there are lots of obstacles in entrepreneurship it’s not like a job.
In a job one just follows the command of higher authority but if you want to be an entrepreneur you should have some extra attributes other than a job holder.
Read the following attributes and think do you have these attributes/characteristics? If you have you can start a business because these are the attributes of a successful entrepreneur. Let’s know these attributes:
Attributes of a successful entrepreneur
- Confidence
- Perseverance, determination
- Energy, diligence
- Resourcefulness
- Ability to take calculated risks
- Dynamism, leadership
- Optimism
- Need to achieve
- Versatility; knowledge of product, market, machinery, technology
- Creativity
- Ability to influence others
- Ability to get along well with people
- Initiative
- Flexibility
- Intelligence
- Pleasant personality
- Egoism
- Courage
- Imagination
- Perceptiveness
- Toleration for ambiguity
- Orientation
- Positive response to the challenge
- Independence
- Responsiveness to suggestions and criticism
- Time competence, efficiency
- Ability to make decisions quickly
- Responsibility
- Foresight
- Accuracy, thoroughness
- Cooperatives
- Profit orientation
- Ability to learn from mistakes
- Sense of power
- Aggressiveness
- Capacity for enjoyment
- Efficacy
- Commitment
- Ability to trust workers
- Sensitivity to other
- Honesty, integrity
- Maturity, balance

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