As we said before social system has a great impact on every aspect of our life but sometimes the social system may breakdown. For many causes, the social system may not work.
Some of the causes of the breakdown of the social system are briefly discussed in the following paragraphs:
Causes of the breakdown of the social system
1. Lack of Social Equilibrium: Social equilibrium means dynamic working balance among its interdependent parts. A single significant change may cause disequilibrium. For example, the resignation of a key executive.
2. Changes resulting Negative Effect: Sometimes changes create negative effects such as a decline in productivity due to employee turnover caused by low payment of wages. It causes a social breakdown.
3. Low Job satisfaction: If the workers are not satisfied because of the non-fulfillment of their economic and psychological expectations, they there create dissatisfaction among the workers which leads to the social breakdown.
4. Unfavorable Relationship between Worker and Employees: When the workers don’t get their proper rewards from their superior/employers and also when the employers don’t get respect from their employees, then this unfavorable relationship creates a social breakdown.
5. Cultural Differences/Cultural dominance: In a social system people from different cultures may e there. If one culture dominates another culture then it leads to social system breakdown.

6. Lack of Ethics: Lack of ethics among the people of the social system creates a breakdown in the social system.
7. Group Differences: Society is divided into many groups. Group differences may occur because of differences in personal background, types of work performed, and geographical location.
8. Role Ambiguity: If the role of different interdependent parts is not clear then it causes social system breakdown.
9. Status Anxiety: If a person is not satisfied with his status in the organization then it negatively affects his performance which may lead breakdown of the social system.
10. Lack of communication: Lack of communication may cause a breakdown in the social system.
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Am a student of Industrial Sociology and found your article on Causes of The Break down of a Social System very helpful and quite on point. Would really appreciate a list of recommended books for the course am currently pursuing. Thank you.