Our life is of conflict. Very often we are doing conflicting activates or playing conflicting roles. Some of the important different areas of role conflict may be discussed as under:
Different areas of role conflict
1. One commitment: A doctor who has two commitments that of a doctor and that of a father. He must decide whether he should present his daughter’s birthday party or to attain an ailing patient. He must save patients.
2. Cognitive dissonance: A man takes on both role of father and coach. If his boy makes a bad play then they must take out his son.
3. Role balance: Every role has a positive and negative impact. To minimize this conflict one should maintain the role balance against role conflict.
4. Maintaining status: Role conflict occurs frequently in maintaining status. Someone faces ambiguity to take a decision. To minimize this one should make co-operative relations.
5. Management view: Mangers would be employee-oriented or production oriented. Here management should erase this conflict and take a whole production-oriented decision.

6. Effectiveness: If role conflict arises then the effectiveness of a company will fall. For that reason management should avoid role conflict.
7. Efficiency: The efficiency of a company depends on the appropriate role of management. If role conflict occurs in the decision-making efficiency of the company will fall down.
8. Time-consuming: If role conflict arises then valuable time will be lost. To minimize time-consuming management should avoid role conflict.
9. Forward-looking: Management should be forward-looking. For that reason management should control the role of conflict.
10. Controlling Management: To control the management one should remove role conflict.
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