Detailing or maintaining a showroom by the manufacturer is profitable. But the sales team in these shops should be aware of the potential customers likes and dislikes who visit their shops.
It should be remembered that not every visitor coming to the shop will become a buyer but the sales team must endeavor to motivate them in such a way that they will be happy to buy.
Hereunder are presented the customer’s likes and dislikes when they visit shops. These are to be taken care of by the sales force in the shops:
What Customers Like
- Price/value relationship
- Store specialization
- Quality of merchandise
- Salesclerk service (availability, competence, congeniality, etc.)
- Credit and billing policies
- Store layout and atmosphere
- Merchandise displays
- Suitability of advertising
- Store location
- Variety and assortment
- Guarantee, exchange, and adjustment policies
- Customer habit or routine
- Legitimacy of sales
- Other convenience factors (delivery, parking, store hours, etc.)

What Shoppers Dislike
- A limited assortment of merchandise
- Too much pressure to buy
- False promises about delivery
- Carelessly wrapped parcels
- Being told that they are hard to fit or hard to please
- Overheated, underheated, and poorly ventilated stores
- Dark or poorly lighted stores
- Evidence of poor or careless housekeeping
- Lack of courtesy
- Idlers inside or outside the store
- Mistakes made by and indifference in the attitude of salespeople
- Prices out of line with what the customer thinks is fair value
- Long waits for service, change, or parcels
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great post, I will implement your idea in my shop. Thanks for sharing.