The declaration is one of the essential parts of the internship report. You can’t fulfill your internship report without it. So, here we provide lots of declaration for internship report samples.
Table of Contents
Declaration format for the internship report
STUDENT DECLARATION I, Suzan Kumar Shaha, hereby declare that the presented report of the internship titled “DEPOSIT MOBILIZATION” of AB Bank Ltd (ISLAMPUR Branch)” is uniquely prepared by me after the completion of three months’ work at Islampur Branch of AB Bank Ltd. I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement, not for any other purpose. It might not be used in the interest of the opposite party of the corporation. ……………………………. |

Declaration for an internship report
STUDENT DECLARATION I am MD MAHFUJUR RAYHAN (JONY) hereby declare that the present report of the Internship. Titled “PERFORMANCE RELATIONSHIP/CUSTOMER SERVICE THROUGH OVERALL BANKING SYSTEM ANALYSIS A STUDY ON AGRANI BANK LTD” I uniquely prepare a report of Agrani Bank Limited after completion of three months of work in Agrani Bank Limited, Hotel Sheraton Corporate Branch, Dhaka. I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement, not for any other purpose. It should not be used in the interest of the opposite party of Agrani Bank Limited. MAHFUJUR RAYHAN (JONY) |
Declaration format for project
Supervisor’s Declaration This is to certify that the internship report on Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. titled “Overall Banking System of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd” is prepared by Raduana Chowdhury for the partial fulfillment of the BBA program with a concentration on Human Resource Management (HRM) from Stamford University Bangladesh. This report is an original work completed under my supervision and is free from plagiarism. She is permitted to submit the Report. —————————- |
Declaration format for project report
Declaration for the internship report I do hereby solemnly declare that the work presented in this Internship Report has been carried out by me and has not been previously submitted to any other University, College, or Organization for any academic Qualification, Certificate, and BBA Degree. I hereby warrant that the work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright acts. ————————————- |
Declaration sample for project report
General Banking Activities of Dhanmondi Branch, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited I, Ripon Mondal hereby declare that the presented report of the Internship entitled “General Banking Activities of Dhanmondi Branch, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited” a study on Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited., Dhanmondi Branch, Dhaka is uniquely prepared by me after the completion of three months of work experience at Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement, not for any other purpose. It might not be used in the interest of the opposite party of the cooperation. Ripon Mondal |
A sample of student declaration format for project report
ANALYSIS OF SME BANKING SYSTEM I hereby solemnly declare that the report titled “ANALYSIS OF SME BANKING SYSTEM OF BRAC BANK LIMITED.” is prepared and completed by me under the supervision and guidance of Ms. Afia Akter, Lecturer in Finance, Northern University Bangladesh. This report has not been previously submitted to any other university, college, or organization for an academic, qualification, certificate, diploma, or degree. I hereby warrant that the work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright. …………………………………… |
Declaration of internship report
Approval The project title is “Procedure of Opening L/C: A Case of Uttara Bank Limited”. Has been submitted by Ashraful Alam, Roll No-060750, Reg No-699641, and To the Department of Bachelor of Business Administration. Global Institute of Information Technology (GIIT), under National University, has been accepted as satisfactory for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration. Approved the style and content by Signature of examiner Signature Signature ——————– ——————– |
Declaration in an internship report
DECLARATION I humbly declare that this report is based on the work, carried out and no part of it has been presented previously for any higher degree. The report was conducted in the Department of Business Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh under the guidance of Prima Pervin, Assistant Professor Department of Finance. It is also declared that this report has been prepared for academic purposes alone and has not been/will not be submitted elsewhere for any other purposes. ……………… |
Dedication of internship report
Declaration I do hereby declare that the internship report titled “Loan Disbursement & Recovery of Principal Branch, Trust Bank Ltd’’ is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the awards of the degree Bachelor of Business Administration, Major in finance in Northern University Bangladesh. It is my masterpiece and has not been submitted by me before the awards of any other degree. To the best of my knowledge, I didn’t breach any copyright act intentionally. I would be very happy to provide you with any clarification regarding the report. ……………….…………. |
Declaration format for MBA project report
Declaration Memo Preparation of the report “Performance Evaluation of a Bank as a Financial Institution: The trust Bank Ltd” I, Lt Gen Moeen U Ahmed, PSC, CEO, The Trust bank Ltd. authorized under mentioned names from the Company for preparing a report for evaluating the financial performance of the bank. Please be noted that cooperation from each unit must be needed by them to prepare the report. So, please extend your cooperative attitude and participate in the report for meeting the challenge of an upcoming competition. The team and their responsibility for the project will be,
Thanks and best regards …………………………………. |
Declaration for internship report
DECLARATION This is to notify you that this report titled “Working Capital Management by Ring Shine Textiles Limited” has been prepared for academic purposes as asked by our EMBA program curriculum, supervisor Prof. M. Abdullah, Professor, Dhaka International University, Bangladesh. It is to be evaluated as a part of our examination of this EMBA program. This has not been prepared for any other purpose like reproduction, investigation, or publication. I do hereby declare that the entire work unless otherwise, acknowledged, submitted as an Internship report in the EMBA program under Dhaka International University is my independent and original work and all the references have been mentioned here. _______________________________ |
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This site has been of great help to me. Thank you alot for the information provided.
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