Every change should have a planned way. Planned change may help the person people to adapt to the changing environment, planned change is predetermined. It is decided in advance what is to be done in the future. It is a deliberate process.
For making any planned change, pre-thinking is supposed to be done about the outcomes and impact of change also. Despite carefulness, if any negative impact is seen, one can have preparation or metal objective to face the changes. Here is a definition of planned change given below:
Definition of planned change
However, we can define planned change as follows: Any kind of alternation or modification which is done in advance and differently for the improvement of the present position into a brighter one is called planned change.
Forces for planned change is an Organization
An organization’s planned change may take place-having demand for two sources. These forces are classified into internal sources and external sources. These two forces demanding for planned change are shown in the following diagram:

Internal forces |
External forces |
Obsolescence of production and service |
Regulators |
Newmarket opportunities |
Competitors |
New strategic direction |
Market force |
Increasing diverse workforce |
Customers |
A shift in socio-cultural values |
Technology |
From the above table, it is seen that both internal and external forces include five components each which can create pressing demand for making change is small or big, public or private, business or non-business organizations.
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Very well written content, the article is very informative.
This blog about Definition of Planned Change in Organization has helped me a lot, is very well written.