Entrepreneurship development training refers to the training and other support services that are incorporated into a structured program.
This program is specially designed to assist individuals and groups of people who are interested in and have the potential of becoming entrepreneurs and starting a small business.
Entrepreneurship development training also includes the training for executives, and personnel of promotion agencies who are involved in providing support and extending services to the entrepreneurs.
The entrepreneurship development training program here is used in a wider sense covering training, support, and sustaining assistance to the existing and emerging entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship development training
Training is an effective tool for improving human factors like the attitudes, desires, and motivation of the individual, the capability to perceive the environmental changes and opportunities as well as to solve problems, which an entrepreneur is likely to face.
Training is particularly important for first-generation entrepreneurs who require developing their:
- Entrepreneurial quality or motivation
- Capacity for enterprise launching and resource mobilization
- Practical management skill
- sense of responsibility to society
- Ability to formulate a business plan
- Ability in understanding the process and procedures of setting up an enterprise.

A well-designed training program with an appropriate curriculum and methodology makes it effective. Trained and experienced trainers and motivators must give further training.
The training program must be followed by the provision of required support assistance like credit, selection of the implementation of the project, marketing the product, etc.
So, before designing a training program, the training needs of the target groups must be assessed properly.
Other Content of Entrepreneurship:
- Who is an Entrepreneur?
- Traits / Qualities of an Entrepreneur
- Major Functions of an Entrepreneur
- Importance of Entrepreneurship Development
- Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?
- Entrepreneurship Development as a Strategy for Industrialization
- Essential of Entrepreneurial Development Assistance
- Constraints and Problems of Entrepreneurship Development
- How to Develop Entrepreneurship Business?