Employee productivity has become a very important item in the field of small business. Rising labor costs and increased competition from home and outside have required the successful business owner to emphasize increased output per hour worked. For that purpose, you should choose the right employees for your business. Let’s know the technique of how to find good employees.
Using the concept of job design, worker productivity can be increased by matching individual worker abilities and capacities in individual jobs.
Employees are the most expensive item and a great deal of time and consideration should be given to selecting, training, and supervising them.
The business owner can then use the following techniques for increasing productivity by getting the best people into the appropriate job. These techniques are:
Preparing job circular
One can find the right person when recruitment is made following the three stages as under:

1. Job analysis: It is the first technique that provides a written summary of the functions entering into the performance of each job.
2. Job description: It gives the objectives of the job, the work to be performed, the responsibilities involved, the skills needed, the general working conditions, and the relationship of the job described to other jobs can then be developed.
3. Job specification: These are written to define the special qualification required to fill a particular job, including experience, special skills, and any physical requirements.
4. Define duties and responsibilities: Define the duties and responsibilities of the position- to be filled in and the skills, knowledge, and experience required to meet them;
5. Set qualification: Finding and attracting those people who have the set qualifications for the position; and
6. Select for interview: After screening identify the most promising candidates and then call them for an interview.
Small businesses can profit a lot by pursuing a sound hiring policy which should make sure that the candidates can do the job for which they are sought The candidates on hire should be able to work well with others in a team.
How to find good employees
Hiring the right person for the right position is an important task of the small business manager or entrepreneur. He can succeed in getting the right person to hire productivity if he follows the process as under:
1. Involve other key persons of your business: Involve other key employees in the hiring process, (i.e., employees who have a stake in the success or failure of the job).
Then compare notes, remembering that yours is not the only discerning eye in town.
2. Never interview a candidate without first preparing a written job description. The good interviewees will want to know exactly what the job entails.
It is best to develop a routine system for interviewing, hiring, training, and dismissing employees.
3. Manage time to take an interview: The interviewing process is an extended meeting over an extended period of time. Prepare for it as you would any other important meeting. Have an agenda, a time frame, and include handouts where necessary.
4. Concentrate on candidate talking and listening: The candidate will be both talking and listening during the course of the interview (hopefully more of the former than the latter).
Take note of his or her capacity to do both, remembering that if the interviewee can’t listen, he or she won’t be able to work in a crowd. (You’re hiring a team member here, not an individual performer).
5. Look for some important issues: Look for a match in such cultural issues as ethics, principles, and values, especially when hiring staff employees. Cultural mismatches are deeply ingrained and always difficult to overcome in the team-building process.
6. Measure the necessity of the job to the candidate: Listen carefully, then dissect the applicant’s questions.
- Can you tell from the questions what’s important to him or her?
- Can you tell me what isn’t?
- Are these sensible questions or busy-work questions?
In other words, how well the candidate prepares for the interview is an indication of how badly he or she wants the job.
7. Be cautious of ex-government or ex-Fortune employees: They are accustomed to working in an environment light years from that of small businesses.
Office politics, resistance to change, and dealing with hierarchies and “monarchies” are a part of their cultural background.
Adaptation to the small business environment won’t come easily for these folks.
8. Look close to inside first: Look close to home first, and when in doubt, hire the insider. Insiders require less training, and their promotion sends the right message to the rest of the team.
9. Show interest in a deserving candidate: Remember, the job you are offering isn’t the only opportunity in town.
If the candidate is a potential superstar, he or she will have other options in addition to yours. Be ready to assume the role of the seller in the hiring process.
10. Hold your temper in negotiation: The stronger the candidate, the more difficult he or she will be to accept the job offer & sign.
The negotiation process may be rough and turbulent, but hold your temper, and understand what’s going on here.
The two of you aren’t conflicting, you’re negotiating – a key ingredient in the team-assembling process. Besides, wouldn’t you prefer to have a tough negotiator on your team?
11. Don’t trust the candidate’s references: They are usually friends. Find references of your own using the candidate’s past job connections, past customers, or your own internal networks.
Take notes during the course of the interview and look for clues to these non-resume references.
12. It is most important to tram every rip employee in the way of operating tasks expected of him and to keep him away from the main tasks as much as possible until this is accomplished.
13. Promote employees as much as possible, but keep the policy flexible.
14. Although employees need more than wages to be contented, money is most important. Sales personnel can be paid a straight salary, straight commission, a combination of salary plus commission, a straight salary plus spiffs, or any combination of these plans.
15. To work well, any wage plan must be easy to understand and must be fair to both employer and employee.
16. In addition to wages, employees might receive bonuses, discounts on purchases/sales, vacations, and sick leave with pay.
Whenever possible, life and hospital insurance plans should be provided. However, nothing equals employers’ interest in their personal welfare.
17. Installed pension schemes that have proved useful in reducing employee turnover and building store morale.
18. Try to create employee group activities outside of business, for example, bowling, picnics, etc.
Small business managers should be very careful about how to negotiate with unions. And finally, they should remember that hiring is not an art, it’s a science, and, like any other science, it requires time and repetition to do it right. They should not dabble with the process, but rather dive into it.
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