An organization needs to practice participation to achieve some objectives. These are 10 objectives of teamwork described below-
Objectives of teamwork
1. Greater Voice in Decision: A primary goal of employee participation is to give the organization a greater voice in decisions about work-related matters. An employee can share their problem. They also suggest some solutions to those problems.
2. Economical: Increasing productivity by improving relations between the major two parties in the organization. Employees can produce quality products. Workers become more skillful of which reduces the level of wastage.
3. Social: Organizations are considered social system. Participation considers the workers as human beings. Participation increases the dignity of the employees.
4. Psychological: Participation change employee behavior. Employees consider themselves as an integral part of the organization. As a result, employees get mental satisfaction.
5. Industrial Democracy: participation is a means to achieve industrial peace and harmony. A way to industrial democracy. It leads to higher productivity as well as increases production.
6. Quality of working life: Improves the quality of working life for the employees. Because it allows the workers involved in work. And satisfaction obtained from work in various ways.

7. Mutual co-operation: To secure the mutual co-operation of employees and employers in achieving industrial peace. It helps to achieve greater efficiency and productivity in the interest of the enterprise, the workers, the consumers, and the nation. So mutual co-operation can play a great role in the economical development of a country.
8. Conflict resolution: It is easier to create a conflict than to resolve one. Some of the decisions may create conflict between the parties. But when there are participatory management chances of conflict are very low.
9. Better team effort: Team effort is very important for the smooth running of an organization. In a participatory environment, every member has the scope of sharing their suggestions and ideas. As a result, a better team can be built.
10. Human Resource Development: Participation provides education to workers in the management of industry. Informal leaders get an opportunity to reinforce their position and status by playing an active role in decision-making and by inducing the members of the group to abide by them.
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you find some essential point regarding teamwork. I will try to implement this in my team.