An entrepreneur should have some particular qualities. Otherwise, he/she can’t be a successful entrepreneur. The major entrepreneurial qualities/traits that are required to be a successful entrepreneur consist of the following:
Qualities of an entrepreneur
1. Self-confidence: Confidence, independence, individuality, leadership dynamism, commitment, etc.
2. Originality: Innovative, creative, resourceful, initiative, versatile knowledge.
3. People-oriented: Gets along with others, is flexible and is responsive to suggestions or criticisms.
4. Task-result oriented: Need for achievement, profit-oriented, perseverance and determination, hard-working, and energetic.
5. Future-oriented: Foresight, concern for improvement.
6. Risk-taking: Risk-taking and challenging.
These are some of the qualities that an entrepreneur should possess to become successful in the pursuit of his entrepreneurial career. The pertinent question is whether a person can possess all these qualities.
In fact, the presence of all these qualities may not be found in an individual but a good mix of these can be found in a man who may be developed as an entrepreneur through concerted efforts and providing necessary support services.
Some of the qualities are inborn or inherited by birth and some can be acquired through training, education, and experience.

Other Content of Entrepreneurship:
- Who is an Entrepreneur?
- Major Functions of an Entrepreneur
- Importance of Entrepreneurship Development
- Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?
- Entrepreneurship Development as a Strategy for Industrialization
- Essential of Entrepreneurial Development Assistance
- Entrepreneurship Development Training
- Constraints and Problems of Entrepreneurship Development
- How to Develop Entrepreneurship Business?