There are three (3) types of resistance to change in organizations. These types are:
Table of Contents
Types of resistance to change in organizations
- Logical and rational,
- Psychological and emotional, and
- Sociological resistance.
All these types of resistance to change are discussed below in detail:
Logical and Rational Resistance
These resistances are the outcomes of disagreement with rational facts, rational reasoning, logic, and science. These arise from the actual time and effort required to adjust to change including new job duties that must be learned.
These are too costly which might be borne by the common employees and managers. Even though the change may be beneficial for the employees in the long run. But the short-run costs for change must be paid first. Logical resistance to change include the following:
- The time required to adjust
- Extra efforts to relearn
- The possibility of a less desirable condition
- Economic costs of change
- Questionable technical feasibility of change
Psychological Resistance
These types of resistances are typically based on emotion and attitude. It is internally logical from the perspective of the employee’s attitude and feelings about change. Employees may fear the unknown, mistrust management, or feel that their security and ego needs are threatened.
Even though management may believe that there is no justification for these feelings they are very rational to employees, and as such managers must deal with them. Psychological or emotional resistance may take place in the following manner:
- Fear of unknown
- Low tolerance for change
- Dislike of management/change agent
- Lack of trust in other
- Need for security
- The desire for the status quo
Sociological Resistance
Sociological resistance may sometimes be logical. This happens when it is seen as a product of challenge to group interests, norms, and values. Since social values are a powerful force in the environment, they must be carefully considered.
On a small group level, there is work friendship and relationships that may disrupt buy change. Then resistance occurs. However, sociological resistance includes the following:
- Political coalitions
- Opposing group values
- Parochial/narrow outlook
- Vested interest
- The desire to retain existing friendships
Types of Resistance to Change
Whatever may be the types of resistance, managers should be very careful and tolerant. Tolerance sometimes helps the employees to realize the need for change and employees accept that.
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All three point you explain well.