There are different factors that affect organizational mood. So, factors affecting organizational mood are listed below:
Factors affecting organizational mood
1. Education Level: Higher education level increases understanding, which helps to realize the real fact of the organization.
2. Family background: Family background is a factor that influences individual behavior.
3. Experience: The experience of the employee helps to develop the organizational mood.
4. Specialization: Specialization of work makes employees different from one another, there is no individual conflict.
5. Leadership success: Leaders play an important role in developing organizational mood.
6. Honesty: Honesty employees work for the development of the organization. They keep their commitment towards their organization and towards their consumer which increase organizational mood.
7. Political affiliation: Political affiliation gives a good environment for work. The organization gets various facilities in different sector which develop the organizational mood.
8. Achievement of target: In an organizational good mood exists then everybody takes owns responsibility. Perform their duty perfectly. Both higher and lower authority is accountable to each other. As a result product or service quality improved. Organizations can influence the market. It can become market dominant. A combination of all organizations can achieve the target.

9. Organizational Status: Organizations can profit the highest, became the dominant players in the market. So the organization and its employee status increase in the industry and society respectively.
10. Income Level: In an organization where the organizational mood is a better organization can achieve the highest profit and give a better salary to the employee. As a result income level increases of the employee.
11. Praise: In a good organizational mood employees are also develop good behavior and they are responsible for their own jobs. There is no conflict among the employee. Everybody works perfectly. Everybody praises each other for their work.
12. Humor: Employees with good humor make a good organizational mood.
13. Fun: Funny relations among employees increase positive mood in an organization.
14. Levity: Cheerful environment helps for the development of organizational mood.
15. Social Interaction: When the organizational mood is developed social interaction also increases.
Related Content of Organizational Mood:
- What is the Definition of Mood?
- Objectives of Organizational Mood
- Different Types of Mood
- Importance of Organizational Mood
- Some Characteristics of Moodiness
- Guidelines for Organizational Mood
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Organizational Mood
- Organizational Mood and Organizational Behavior
- Proposed Model of Organizational Mood