There may be different objectives of showing mod inside or outside the workplace. A few objectives of organizational mood are discussed in the following points:
Objectives of organizational mood
1. To gain loyalty: Loyalty means faithfulness or devotion to a person, country, group, al cause, obligations, or the condition of being closely tied to another by affection or faith. The good organizational mood increases the devotion to the work which will help the organization to reach the predetermined objective.
2. To establish Chain of command: Chain of command is the order in which authority and power in an organization are wielded and delegated from top management to every employee at every level of the organization. Instructions flow downward along the chain of command and accountability flows upward.
According to its proponent Henri Fayol (1841-1925), the more clear cut the chain of command, the more effective the decision-making process and greater the efficiency. The positive mood of the organization help established a chain of command.
3. To maintain good L-M relations: L-M relationship means labor and manager relationship. Organizational mood help to develop a relationship between labor and manager. Better organizational mod increases their relationship among the employee from a higher level to lower level which is very helpful to perform duty perfectly that higher authority ordered.
4. To ensure Accountability: Due to good organizational mood established chain of command where the lower-level employee is responsible for the higher label and higher label employee accountable to the lower-level employees which ensures organization development.

5. To establish good behavior culture: A system of shared meaning held by members that distinguish the organization from other organizations. Organizational culture is the set of assumptions, beliefs, values, and shared norms that help norms that are shared by an organization’s members.
This culture may have been a defining culture. From the organizational culture individual behavior develops towards the organization. When the organizational mood is good then individual behavior also will be good.
6. To ensure loyalty: Developed organizational mod ensures the loyalty of the organization.
7. To increase organizational influence: Organizational Influence will focus on ways in which employees and leaders can use psychology to influence others. Organizational mood increases the effectiveness of the employee produced quality product which makes the organization unique from others. This firm became market-dominant and its influence in the market increase.
Related Content of Organizational Mood:
- What is the Definition of Mood?
- Different Types of Mood
- Importance of Organizational Mood
- Factors Affecting Organizational Mood
- Some Characteristics of Moodiness
- Guidelines for Organizational Mood
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Organizational Mood
- Organizational Mood and Organizational Behavior
- Proposed Model of Organizational Mood