The nature of culture and values level of SHR managers vary at different organizations. Here we will bring some of the levels in brief:
Culture and values level of SHR managers
1. Culture: The culture of our country is very old and glorious and we are very soft in religious faith. We use to live in a broad family. We honor older people and expect to ones get respect from juniors. So strategic HR Managers must know about the culture and values levels of people.
2. Indifferent in culture: A strategic HR Manager may not be attained organizational effectiveness if he is indifferent to the culture and values of people or employees.
3. Attract and motivate employees: A strategic HR Manager may easily attract and motivate employees if he is well known for the cultural values of employees.
4. Cultural environment: A manager is a leader of the employees working in the organization. If a manager creates a good cultural environment among most of the employees, then they get interested to work in the organization. They may attain the organizational goals as they are satisfied with the culture maintained in the organization.
5. Spontaneity environment: Values and beliefs are important in the organization. A successful and effective manager maintains good cultural values and beliefs, so everyone maintains the values. This creates spontaneity in the working environment and the organizations attain their strategic goal.

6. Types of culture: There are 3 types of culture that can be maintained in the organization. These are
- Geocentric culture
- Ethnocentric culture
- Polycentric culture.
Geocentric cultured people believe and maintain a standard of average culture. Ethnocentric cultured people believe that there are culture is the best.
Polycentric cultured people believed that all cultures have some good and also some bad behavior. They maintain a balance among all cultures.
7. Geocentric culture: As most people believe in common culture, so strategic manager in Bangladesh will be successful if he maintains geocentric culture.
8. Attain organizational goal: Culture and values can affect the employees seriously. So a good culture and values can create an effective environment forward and attain the organizational goals.
9. Religions culture: We believe in religious culture. We enjoy holidays in Eids, Shab-e-Qadr and Shab-e-Barat, etc day.
If we are satisfied with our cultural values maintained by the organizations, then this satisfaction will attract us to remain in the organization and we work well for us and also for our organization.
So the organization wilt is successful in attaining its good values and entire.
10. Standard of culture: A good and effective organization may be humane by its maintains. An effective manager maintains these good cultural belief and values.
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