Management has a great role in the successful participation process. The major liability & responsibility belongs to them. So they should concern about the following issues:
Role of management for the successful participation process
1. Threat less Environment: The environment should be positive and convenient. There should not be any threat to participation. If there is any kind of threat, employees will not be willing to share their ideas.
2. Development of communication skills: Communication skill is very important for participation. Both parties should have this kind of skill. Otherwise, they cannot transfer their ideas or messages properly. And misunderstanding can be created.
3. Quick implementation of decision: Participation is for a better decision. But the decision process is delayed for various reasons. To implement the decision management do not take the steps quickly. As a result, participants become de-motivated. On the other hand, the quick implementation of decisions encourages participation.
4. Reward system: The reward system is not commonly practiced for participation. If there is the best solution to a problem when the reward system is available for participation.
5. Enough time: Participation is not applicable in case of an emergency. Many people share their ideas and thoughts, after getting all the alternatives they analyze those.
6. Selecting Appropriate participation: The success of participation depends on the size, knowledge, and skills of participants. Those who don’t have enough knowledge and skill about the subject matter of participation should allow as participation.

7. Management Support: For effective participation, management support is very important. If management does not support, no employees show their attraction to participate. When management allows this, all the employees take part in spontaneously.
8. Explanation of rejection: Usually monument does not explain the cause of ignoring an employee’s opinions. But when management provides a logical reason for their rejection, it indirectly encourages participants. It develops the participant’s positive attitudes for future participation.
9. Related to Interests: The subject of participation should involve the interest of employees. Decisions should be in favor of their interest. Interesting and relevant subjects inspire employees to participate.
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