Sometimes we hurt our loved one’s feelings very badly. But there is no exact reason for this kind of act. We have to apologize for this kind of action to our loved ones. Sometimes an apology saves a relationship. If you can’t express your apology for your speech, you can write a letter. Here, a sample of an apology letter for hurt feelings is provided.
Apology letter for hurt feelings
Date: September 10, 2022
Dear (Your wife/ husband/ boyfriend/ girlfriend name), I would like to tell you sorry for my actions. I know I hurt you very badly. But believe me, I didn’t want to do that. When we started our journey together, I promised you that I never let you cry. But it is a matter of sorrow that I didn’t keep my promise. I hate myself. I don’t have the courage to face you. If you think that I am a coward then I am a coward. Last night’s incident wasn’t let me sleep. Your eyes just across my mind full night. The full night I just thought that how could I do this to you? How could I? How can I let you cry? How could I hurt your feelings such badly? I know there is a chance that you won’t come back to me. In spite of knowing that, I love you and look forward to you. Please, honey gives me another chance. I want to give you all the happiness in the world. I will never ever let you cry. This time, I won’t let you down. Please, accept my heartiest apology and give me a last chance. Please. Yours loving (wife/ husband/ boyfriend/ girlfriend), (Your Name) |

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Nice letter sample it will be better if you can add some more sample.
Nice and helpful letter sample, thanks for sharing.