For making a successful team, a few conditions are to be fulfilled. These conditions are classified into a few points. Bell and Rosen Stein have mentioned these conditions in their study findings:
Conditions for a successful team
1. Presence of right people: Successful teams may be built only with the availability of the right and like-minded people. More numbe4r of right people can ensure more successful teams.
2. Uninterrupted time: A large block of uninterrupted time can make a successful team. Team members can use their without any break and perform their duties.
3. High priority work: Works should be given high priority by all team members. They must give high priority on the achievement of goal through better performance.
4. Identified work: Works should be indentified for better performance and achievement of objectives. Proper identification helps select right assignments to be performed.

5. Structured way: Only structured ways and methods can make a team success. This team helps in enhancing the efficiency of the performance of team members.
6. Realistic solutions: Realistic solutions and action plans are also helpful in making an effective team. Realistic solutions and action plans increase joy for work.
7. Enthusiasm: Team members should be enthusiastic in performing their duties. Enthusiastic team can move mountains and can create a history in the organization.
8. Follow up: Team activities should be supervised and followed up. Proper follow up can increase the rate of success of a team.
On the following of these conditions of a successful team can be built and maintained. There may be other conditions to be fulfilled in different organizations.
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