Empirical research has demonstrated that power and influence behavior are distinct constructs (Hankins & Schriesheim, 1990; Yukl, Kim & Falbe, 1996). These difference between power authority and influence are outlined below-
Difference between power authority and influence
1. Influence refers to the processes by which power and authority are exercised and authority is legitimated. Power is defined in terms of potential or capacity for action.
2. Together, power and authority determine the resources and perceptions that undergird social interaction. Between two capacities of effective power; access to resources and the ability to obtain cooperation, the second capacity refers to the exercise of influence.
3. Influence is determined by, but not identical to, power and authority. Yukl has called the study of influence the “bridge between the power approach and behavior approach to leadership.”
4. Influence behavior is enacted to change the behavior, beliefs, and/or values of an individual or group. In each case, some sort of power/authority dynamic exists between the agent and the target of the influence attempt.
5. Influence behavior is exerted in one of their directions-upward, downward or lateral whereas power and authority are exerted in two directions upward and downward.
6. The direction of influence – directed outward to those outside of one’s own organization. On the other hand, power can be used beyond the organization but authority is only exercised within the organization or limited area.

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