A team has a life cycle. Some developmental stages are there in the life cycle of a team. These stages are of five types.
According to B.W. Tuckman these stages of team development are: 1. Forming, 2. Storming, 3. Norming, 4. Performing and 5. Adjourning.
All these stages are discussed and glanced at below:
The life cycle of a team
1. Forming: Members share personal information, start to get to know and accept one another, and begin turning their attention toward the groups’ tasks. An aura of courtesy prevails, and interactions are often cautioned.
2. Storming: Members compete for status, jockey for positions of relative control, and argue about appropriate directions for the group. External pressures interfere with the group, and tensions rise between individuals as they assert themselves.

3. Norming: The group begins moving together in a cooperative fashion, and a tentative balance among competing forces is struck. Group norms emerge to guide individual behavior, and cooperative feelings are increasingly evident.
4. Performing: The group matures and learns to handle complex challenges. Functional roles are performed and fluidly exchanged as needed, and tasks are efficiently accomplished.
5. Adjourning: Even the most successful groups, committees, and project teams disband sooner or later. Their breakup is called adjournment, which requires dissolving intense social relations and returning to permanent assignments. The adjournment stage is becoming even more frequent with the advent of flexible organizations, which feature temporary groups.
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