A team may be constituted for the attainment of a number of purposes. If all these purposes are achieved, it may be hoped that the team will survive and organizational objectives may be properly attained.
The purposes of effective team building discussed below:
Purposes of effective team building
1. To set goals: The first purpose of a team is to set achievable goals for the organization. Teams understand which goals can be achieved and which not. Thus they abandon non-reachable goals.
2. To achieve goals promptly: For the achievement of goals promptly, teams can help the management. Because they work directly at the plant level for the achievement of goals. They don’t make any delay in performing.
3. To allocate way of performance: How well the goals may be achieved, what should the appropriate, roles these may be properly allocated in consultation with team leaders and supervisors. Thus best ways may be allocated.
4. To examine the methods of work: Whether the methods of work are followed as par desire that can be evaluated by the teams. If any method of work is seen as appropriate, that can be left and how methods may be adopted.
5. To examine relationships: Another purpose of teams is to examine the interpersonal. With group and intra group relations, not only can those relationships with management also be approached by teams.
6. To enhance motivation: Motivation is created among the team members by giving them a suitable package of benefits. Without motivation, team members cannot be properly attracted to goals.
7. To increase job satisfaction: Teams are built to increase job satisfaction also. Teams try to make their attitudes factorable to jobs.

8. Intensify mobility: If teams are built with like-minded people, their mobility may be intensified. High mobility encourages team members to stay in the organization for a long time.
9. To create a communication environment: Suitable environment and types of equipment are essential for effective communication. If team members are cooperative to create maintain and use these variables, a suitable environment for communication may be created.
10. To ensure self-control: If team members are given proper guidance, they can ensure self-control; self-control helps the management to maintain discipline and achieved goals of interpersonal relations.
11. To encourage innovation: Innovation and creativity are encouraged if team members cooperate with management. Connoted team members take innovative steps. Substantial financial and social incentives can encourage innovation.
12. To make effective decisions: Team numbers can make effective decisions through consultation among themselves. Sometimes they provide feedback to the deciders at the top. Thus a suitable decision system can also be established in the organization.
13. To encourage innovation: Innovation and creativity are encouraged if team numbers cooperate with management. Committed team numbers take innovative steps. Substantial financial and social incentives can encourage innovation.
This is not a final list of purposes of an effective team. There may be other purposes. The purpose of an effective team may vary from organization to organization.
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