Gestalt approach to team building has many applications. Dry consulting the relevant book, we have identified a few areas where this approach to team building may be applied. These areas of application are as follows:
1. Gestalt approach may be used for organization development, leader subordinate-relations, and team building.
2. Organizational development (OD) practitioner fortes the expression of positive and negative feelings, encourages people to stay with transactions and structures exercises.

3. The Gestalt organizational development (OD) practitioner often workers within a group setting but the focus is usually on individuals.
In conclusion, we can say that the use of the use approach is not widespread. That is why the gestalt approach should be used by trained practitioners only.
French and Bell, (2005), Organization development, New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill 2. J.W. Newstrom and Keith Davis (2005), Organizational Behavior, New Delhi: Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
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