4 Major Functions of Organizational Development (OD)

The functions of organizational development are of many dimensions. On this page, four basic functions have been depicted. These functions are classified into 4 (four) types. These are:-

Functions of Organizational Development

  1. Training and professional development,
  2. Performance management
  3. Competency management and
  4. Succession planning.Functions of Organizational Development

All the functions of organizational development have a food number of sub-factions those listed below:

Training and Professional development

  1. Courses (“academic” definitions) creation and maintenance
  2. enables attachments for course collateral
  3. Link certifications acquired by attending the course
  4. Maintains course prerequisites
  5. Designates the number of Cues that can be earned for the course
  6. Define and maintain venues (scheduled courses) for courses
  7. Enable grouping of courses into the syllabus of a specific subject
  8. Include pricing definitions
  9. Maintain instructors
  10. Enable potential assignment of instructors to courses
  11. Define acquired competencies and competency levels per course
  12. Links course to organization strategic goals
  13. Identify gaps in competencies and relate them to required training courses
  14. Show potential attendees per the planned course
  15. Enable annual plan schedule, resources, cost
  16. Alert for missing or overloaded resources
  17. Users can enter “one-off” external training events without building the course and instructor
  18. Reports training costs
  19. Catalogs training requirements
  20. Plans course demand for a period based on pre-bookings or actual attendance from previous years
  21. Library resources cataloged and indexed
  22. The library resource catalog is searchable
  23. Tracks check-out and return of hard copies (library resource catalog)
  24. Stores electronic resources (library resource catalog)
  25. Maintain course schedule
  26. Declare venues and assign resources
  27. Enables online enrollment and cancellations
  28. Option to automatically transfer training events to Microsoft Outlook calendar
  29. Checks department training budget upon enrollment
  30. Notifies manager and employee if not enough budget available
  31. Checks to see if the employee has taken the class before
  32. Mass registers a group for a class, using selection criteria
  33. Maintains waitlist
  34. Automatically adds registrants to a waiting list
  35. Automatic notifications when a spot opens on the waiting list
  36. Automatic notifications when the waiting list is closed
  37. Transfers an employee to another section when the waiting list is closed
  38. Maintain attendance in courses
  39. Stores date the course was completed
  40. Maintain scores per student
  41. Enable transfer of acquired competencies into a personal profile
  42. Update personal profile
  43. Invoice generation for external attendees
  44. Reminder for upcoming tainting by enrollment
  45. Automatic reminder for required training
  46. Automatic enrollment in required courses
  47. Automatic notification of enrollment in required courses based on employee attributes
  48. Position requirements and employee data can be matched
  49. Employee and organizational goals can be linked
  50. Identifies and training, courses, and development activities employees have participated in
  51. Prints course descriptions and schedules
  52. Skill, education, projects, accreditations, languages, and evaluations can be updated.
  53. Collects basic personal data during the registration process such as name, address, language preference, location, and required qualifications
  54. Automatically communicates any changes to all affected parties via workflow management
  55. Interfaced with Sentry, a Web-based training program
  56. Interfaces with My Learning plan Web-based program to track training
  57. Administers online trailing evaluations
  58. Summarizes online training evaluation responses
  59. Restricts access to position-specific training

Performance Management

  1. Interfaces with performance review software
  2. Stores data about employee performance and salary reviews
  3. The default reviewer can be overridden at the employee level
  4. Multiple custom appraisal forms can be created
  5. Performance appraisals can be completed online
  6. Performance appraisals can be routed for approvals online
  7. Assigns professional development within performance appraisal
  8. An employee can document goals for the year and link them to organization goals
  9. The manager can assign a weight to each employee’s goal
  10. Managers can enter notes associated with each employee’s goal
  11. Manager can enter accomplishments related to each employee’s goal
  12. For certain positions, standard essential job duties can default into performance review form
  13. Maintains discipline types
  14. Records and tracks disciplinary actions including information on incidents causing the action steps talent in resolution, and the personnel involved.
  15. Records date of the incident in reference to disciplinary action
  16. Records personnel involved in reference to disciplinary action
  17. Records steps taken in reference to disciplinary action
  18. Records resolution in reference to disciplinary action
  19. Attaches electronic supporting documents to discipline events
  20. Tracks performance appraisers and superiors in history
  21. Generates reports on which managers have not completed all appraisals

Competency Management

Competency management is used to map the skill sets required in a position to ensure the organization or department’s needs and strategic goals are met.

It uses competency models to determine what skills are linked to a position, what skills need to be enhanced, and what skills are no longer necessary for a particular job or area.

They can also be used to create behavioral tests or other candidate screening tools.

  1. Enables a list of competency definitions
  2. Enables a variety of competency scaling types (“units of measures”)
  3. Enables a variety of scaling levels
  4. enables logical scaling levels
  5. Enables logical scaling levels as well as numerical scaling levels (yes/no,0-10)
  6. Enables multiple competency initiatives organization-wide
  7. Enables multiple competency initiatives department-wide Enables multiple competency initiatives based on functional
  8. Enables multiple competency initiatives based on technical skills or career-related
  9. Competency profile
  10. Updates employee competency profile with competencies acquired from training
  11. Enables expiry dates for competencies and alerts for re-evaluation
  12. Identifies gaps between an employee’s competency profile and the competency profile of their job
  13. Enables competencies acquired on training courses to be assigned to the employee profile.

Succession Planning

  1. Identifies potential assignments for a job or career path
  2. Assigns jobs to employees based on their career paths
  3. Documents employee skill measurements, qualifications (including education and training), competencies, and professional experience
  4. Identifies and follows up on high-potential employees
  5. Compares organizational requirements and goals with employees and managers to identify talent and leadership gaps within an organization.
  6. Ranks potential candidates qualified to fill incumbent or vacant positions, Administers tests to determine strengths and weaknesses, which will be used in the succession planning process.

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