For the successful implementation of organizational development programs, some principles are expected to be followed. Success depends on the following of these principles. These four principles of organization development (OD) are as follows:
Principles of organization development
1. Values-Based: Values-based key variables include.
- Collaboration: Builds collaborative relationships between the practitioners and the client while encouraging collaboration throughout the client system.
- Self-awareness: OD (Organization Development) practitioners engage in personal and professional development through lifeline learning.
2. Systems focused: Approaches communities and organizations as open systems: that is, acts with the knowledge that changes in one area of a system always results in tin changes in one area of a system always results in changes in other areas, and change in one area cannot be sustained without supporting changes in other areas of the system.
3. Action Research: Continuously reexamines, reflects, and integrates discoveries throughout the process of change in order to achieve desired outcomes. In this way, the client members are Involved both in doing their work and in dialogue about their reflection and learning in order to apply them to achieve a shared result.

4. Informed by data: Involves proactive inquiry and assessment of the internal environment in order to discover and create a compelling need for change and the achievement of a desired future state of the organization or community.
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- What is Organizational Development?
- Nature of Organization Development
- Objectives of Organization Development
- Importance of Organization Development
- Characteristics of Organization Development
- Role of Management for Organizational Development
- Tips for Organization Development
- Organization Development Process
- Functions of Organization Development
- Components of Organization Development Process
- Difference between Organization Development and Management Development
- Variables in Organizational Development Approach
- Assumptions of Organization Development
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