Michael Beer has given a list of means by adopting which one can gain political power. These means are classified into 6 (six) types and these 6 advantages of gaining political power are as follows:
1. Competence: Gained and demonstrated competence is the most important means of gaining power in a political environment.
2. Political access and sensitivity: Cultivating and nurturing relationships with key political persons can increase acceptability.
3. Sponsorship: After getting sponsorships from single or multiple places OD groups can gain power.
4. Stature and credibility: Successful and effective persons can gain power. And their success leads to stature and credibility.
5. Resource Management: Power accrues to those who have control over resources. This can also solve pressing problems.
6. Groups support: An internally strong group is also strong externally. If the OD group is cohesive and free of internal dissension, it will gain more power.

Political power comes from popularity and is given by the supporters. If the power hunter is suitable, he gets power and enjoys that freely. Otherwise, very often he has to go to the voters and solicit their support politely.
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