French and Bell have discussed 7(seven) rules to be followed in the political environment. These rules for political environment are discussed in the following paragraphs:
Rules for political environment
1. Desired Commodity: Become the desired commodity both as a person and as a professional.
2. Organizational Development Program: make the organizational development program a driving or motivating force for gaining and detaining political influence.
3. Commodity for people: Make the OD program a valued commodity for multiple powerful people in the organization.
4. Solutions: According to the nature of the organization and OD create win-win solutions. Many OD interventions promote win-win solutions for conflict and situations.
5. Problem-solving: Mind your own business, which is to help someone, else, solve major problems of common employees of the organization.
6. Expert on the process: Mind your own business, which is to be an expert on the process, not content. Organizational politics revolve around the decision for reaching the goals.
7. Political trouble: Mind your own business to do otherwise is to invite political trouble so that environment is kept congenial. These are all rules of thumb. There could be more rules. If an organization can follow these rules, organizational politics may be channelized properly.

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- 5 observations on operating in a political environment by French and Bell
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