We mention some sample invitation letter for wedding anniversary, which may helpful for you. Anniversary parties marking special years-tenth, twenty-fifth, and fiftieth-generally call for special celebrations.
They are a time when the family gathers to honor the achievement of two people living together for so many years. Whether the couple gets along or not, these landmark anniversaries are still an achievement.
Invitations for anniversary parties can be formal, on engraved stationery, or informal, a brief letter to friends and family. Some sample invitation letter for wedding anniversary are present below:
As in the birthday invitations, be sure to clearly state any special instructions to your guests on the invitation itself.
Sample invitation letter for wedding anniversary
Mark, Sandy, and Gordon Quinn, |

Another format of invitation letter for wedding anniversary
April 01, 2022
Dear Uncle Avery and Aunt Wanda, Mark, Sandy, and I are planning a real bash for our folks’ fiftieth wedding anniversary this October. It’s going to be on the 19th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, at 7:00 pm, and we really want you to be there. I hope you can make it. I know how many stories you’ve always told us about when Mom and Dad were first married and how much trouble they had rehabbing their first house. Could you write up some of the best stories by the end of this month and send them to me? We want to print them up in a booklet and give them to Mom and Dad. The three of us are going to do the same-the highlights of our life with them over the past fifty years! Let me know if you can come to the party and if you can write up the stories. Affectionately Gordon |
The anniversary is one of the most important days for every couple. An anniversary celebration is a common scenario all over the world.
This is a special day for two people who have met a long time ago and stay together till now. On this day people celebrate their love life journey.
On this day people invite all of their relatives. An invitation letter is an excellent way for inviting relatives. This is an informal anniversary party invitation letter.
An anniversary invitation letter is written to invite friends and family members to celebrate the day.
An anniversary party invitation letter is more private in its stuffing and less ceremonial, informing the guest of the happy news while extending an invitation to be present for the upcoming engagement.
Anniversary party invitation letter
From: Hardie Horton
2621 Snowbird Lane June 23, 2022 To: Mr. & Mrs. Nohara Wilson 4191 Grim Avenue Dear aunt and uncle, Hopefully, both of you are doing well. I am glad to inform you that mom and dad completed their 25 years of a lovely married life. I think they are the best couple in this world. It is my pleasure to invite you to my lovely parents’ anniversary party this July 15, 2021. I planned a surprise anniversary party for them. Their anniversary party will be held at Lakeshore Park. Mom and dad love the open air and a sunny location. So that I decide to choose the venue. Now I need your help to decide the menu and other things. I hope you will come at least 4 days before the party. I will look forward to your suggestion and also presence. Lots of love to both of you. Your loving nephew, HardieHorton |
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