We discuss here some important circumstances which make a leader ineffective. Under the following circumstances or situation, a leader becomes ineffective:
1. Leader-Member relationship: A leader becomes ineffective when the leader-member relationship is not good. Leadership is founded on how the members are following a leader. A problematic relationship leads to a weak leader.
2. Leader-Position Power: Power is one of the elements of leadership to become effective. Power helps a leader to translate these orders into action. If power is too enough, leaders may become ineffective.
3. Employees Willingness: If employees do not want t to accept a leader; the leader cannot perform his job smoothly. The employee has to support him. Otherwise, a leader may become find himself ineffective in implementing his decisions.
4. Low employee motivation: When employees are not motivated, it becomes difficult for a leader to make them follow his orders. Motivation drives them to follow a leader willingly. Lacks of motivation in the employee makes the leader ineffective
5. Autocratic Leader: When the leader makes decisions centrally without involving the employee, they will not be interested to obey him. The leader employee relationship will be very much formal. It will make leadership ineffective.
6. Bias: A leader is the leader of all who is under him. Everyone follows the leader. If the leader becomes bias to a particular person or a group of people, he will become ineffective.
7. Flexibility: A leader has to be balanced in his Apaches. He will not be too flexible or too rigid. In any case, he will be ineffective.
8. Negative: Negative attitude is suicidal for a leader. A leader has to always maintain a positive attitude. Otherwise, he will not be effective.

9. Low self-confidence: A leader can make an effective decision if he has full confidence in his decision making capability. If the leader himself is less confident, it will transmit to his followers too. The result is ineffectiveness.
10. Dishonesty: Employees respect an honest leader. If a leader is dishonest, he will lose his trust. Without trust, a leader cannot be effective.
11. Personal problem: A leader cannot be a good leader if he is immersed in a personal problem. Then he will be always tensed. It will impact negatively in is leadership performance.
12. Knowledge of job: A leader has to have good knowledge of the job implied to him. Lack of knowledge of the job will make it difficult for him to instruct and formulate action plans for his followers. He will become ineffective.
13. Low creativity: A good leader has to be innovative. He has to invent different techniques to adapt to the situation to direct his employees. Low creativity will limit his leadership performance in the long run.
14. Punctuality: A leader must know time management well. If he is not aware of time, the output will be low. He cannot be a good leader.
15. Behavior: A leader has to be well-behaved. If he behaves rough with his employee, the subordinates will not like him. It will result in ineffective leadership.
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