In Bangladesh, most organizations have no strategic human resource management divisions. In a number of organizations, there are human resource management divisions. But in a large number of organizations, human resource management activities are performed by administrative divisions or establishment divisions. Let’s see the proposed model for strategic human resource management in Bangladesh.
At the national level, human resources are the most abundant resource in Bangladesh. Despite there being no separate ministry rather all human resource activities are performed by the ministry of the establishment.
From this instance, it can be concluded that human resource activities are one of the neglected areas. The proposed model for strategic human resource management in Bangladesh is described below in detail with a component of a model for SHRM.
Proposed model for strategic human resource management
Therefore, the question of SHRM is far behind. From this perspective, we have developed a model of SHRM for Bangladesh. Both public and private business and industrial organizations can consider this model. The model is shown below:

Proposed Strategic Human Resource Management Model for Bangladesh.
From the above figure, it is shown that the SHRM model has 20 different areas. Performance in all these areas can help the management achieve organizational long-cherished goals.
But the application must be indiscriminately and integrated. Top management support is a must for implementing the model in Bangladesh for organizations.
Components of the Model for SHRM
A theoretical discussion can be made on the components or areas of the proposed model of SHRM for Bangladesh. In the following points, a brief discussion has been made.
1. Strategic human resource planning: SHRP is a process of deciding in advance what is to be done in the future regarding the existing and potential human resources of an organization.
2. Job analysis: Job analysis is a process by which some information about the skill, efficiency, ability, belief, values, duties, and responsibilities of the employees to perform their duties effectively and satisfactorily is collected, evaluated, and analyzed.
3. Job design: Job design is a structure of different jobs of an organization to be performed. It is also a framework for various jobs.
4. Recruitment and selection: Recruitment is a process of attracting job candidates to the organization. Selection is a process of screening the candidates out of the big lot.
5. Equity and diversity: Equity means ensuring justice without depriving anybody. Diversity means using manpower in multifarious occupations for the betterment of the organization.
6. Socialization, training, and development: Socialization means adjusting to the existing environment. Training and development is a process of increasing the skills and knowledge of employees.
7. Job evaluation: It is a systematic appraisal of the work of employees for placing them in a particular location of the play structure.
8. Compensation: It is also known as remuneration or rewards for deploying the physical and mental efforts of employees to the organization.
9. Performance appraisal: Performance appraisal is a process of systematic assessment of the nature of activities of employees to be selected for the program for offering them benefit packages.
10. Benefits and employee rights: Benefits are supplemental expenses of employers which are given to the employees. Employees get some authority and benefits in exchange for their services to the organization.
11. Health and safety: These are two fundamental things to be maintained by both the employees and employers for running production and service activities.
12. Ethics: It is a kind of understanding about good and bad things or right or wrong deeds. It is a set of attributes of individuals that are part and parcel of their life and work environment.
13. Improving productivity: Productivity is a relationship between input and output. Employees must try to improve productivity, otherwise, the organization will not survive.
14. Grievance handling: Any complaint, dissatisfaction, objection, or painstaking must be eliminated or reduced for getting maximum services from the employees. Otherwise, it may hamper the work climate.
15. Disciplinary action: In case of any sort of indiscipline, management must take action to ensure industrial peace and regular performance of all activities.
16. Labor-management relations (LMR): It is an acceptable relationship between labor, management, and government. This relationship is a must for anything good for the organization.
17. Career planning and development (CPD): Every employee should have a plan for the development of his professional life. The organization can contribute a lot to the said purpose.
18. Separation and restructuring: Both the terms are involved major changes in the organization both for low and higher levels of management.
19. Corporate culture: A set of values and norms must be maintained at the organization’s top level and that should be transmitted to all levels of management. It can enhance the ethical level and behavioral standards.
20. Environment: For taking any strategic action, there must be both internal and external environmental support. Management must, therefore, work for that favorable environment.
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